Rafaela bought the shelter for me a couple of months ago. At first I resisted, it was far, far too much, but she ignored every one of my protests and kept finding me cuter and cuter stray animals to fill it. Finally, I gave in and started fixing the place up.

Our kennels opened officially last month and this time next week the cattery and small animal unit will also be up and running. This is the first time Emma has seen it and she’s already in awe at the dogs snuggled in their beds or standing waiting with balls and chew toys in their mouths.

“Puppy!” She exclaims every time we pass another kennel. “Mama look, it’s a puppy!”

I squeeze her tightly, hanging on for as long as possible until she wriggles from my grasp and trots over to her new best friend, a tiny brown and white mongrel that had been brought in by a member of the public who found her shivering in a driveway. She’s older than a lot of the other dogs we have and people have been walking right past her, but when she met Emma earlier today they struck up a bond.

I watch as she wags her tail and lick Emma’s hand, and then laugh and bolt to my feet to stop Emma from licking the dog in return. I’ll have to talk to Rafaela about this one possibly finding her forever home with us.

I’m rather lost in thought when Emma races past me, her new furry friend escaping her kennel and chasing after her. I turn around and smile as I see Rafaela sweep Emma up into her arms and snuggle into her hair.

“How’s my best princess then?” She asks brightly.

“I thought I was your best princess?” I tease, wrapping my arms around both of them.

“I don’t know where you got that impression,” Rafaela throws back, her eyes sparking. She leans down and brushes a soft kiss to my lips. “We’d better be going, or we’ll be late.”

I try to persuade Emma to let me put the dog back into her kennel, but they both stare at me pitifully. Rafaela decides not to help the situation by insisting we bring her along to the family dinner with us. So much for me having to persuade her into getting a dog.

We pull into the driveway a mere 40 minutes late, child and dog both in tow. Salvatore and my dad greet Emma first, throwing vague waves in mine and Rafaela’s direction as they lead her away. They’re battling over who gets to teach her how to play chess, and I suspect Salvatore is also imparting some of his rather unique “business advice” onto her.

I make a mental note to discuss her father’s opinions on what constitutes child friendly knowledge with Rafaela but am side tracked when I spot the girls from the bookstore. They envelope me in a group hug, each clamoring to speak first. As we catch up, I spot Apollo and Daniella on the other side of the room and wave at them, grinning.

Juliet pulls me aside and hands me another glass of wine. “So, this might be awkward but…”

She trails off and I look up in surprise. “What’s wrong, Juliet?”

“She takes a breath and looks up at me. “Okay so I just need to know that you know. That Salvatore is like, a mob boss.”

I burst out laughing. Juliet takes me by surprise.

“It’s not funny! Like, a real one,” she argues indignantly.

“Oh yes, I know! And thanks for looking out for me Juliet, really. I just wasn’t expecting you to say it!”

Juliet seems to relax a little and nudges me with her shoulder. We turn to face the rest of the bookstore crew, who are now trading sarcastic remarks with Daniella and Apollo.


; We are interrupted by a sharp tinkling of glass. Salvatore stands at the front of the room, Emma in front of him.

“I have an announcement to make,” he says, and the rooms hushes obligingly. “It concerns the family business.”

I look around and catch Juliet’s eye. We grin at each other.

“I have been trying to decide who is best place to take over from me at the helm of this family in a few years. Who will take us from strength to strength, who will guard and protect us, who will serve us best?”

As he continues, Rafaela and I watch in amusement as Stefano gets more and more excited. I know that Rafaela has more or less given up the idea of being chosen after she made her big speech choosing me and Emma over the family business. Stefano is clearly excited for his chance, and we’re both happy for him.

“I have found the person who I think is best to take over from me. A good head on their shoulders. A fine head of the family.”

Salvatore raises his glass and everyone else follows suit. “To my successor. Daniella.”

“Yes!” Stefano speaks before he’s processed Salvatore’s words, and when he does so he just looks confused. We all are.

“Well come on,” Salvatore grins. “Clearly she’s the only one with any restraint around here! Of course, I could just go wild and leave it all to Emma here.”

“Yay!” Emma’s shout of excitement makes everyone laugh. Stefano still looks vaguely disappointed, and Apollo starts complaining about how he has as much restraint as Daniella. I look around the room, with all our family and friends side by side, and smile as I tuck my hand into Rafaela’s.