How could something that feels this wonderful be fake? It may have started as a bet, but that train left the station as soon as we laid eyes on one another. We fell for each other fast and hard.

Tonight may have been difficult, but I would live through it again a thousand more times to be able to be with her.

We fit together perfectly. Every part of our journey has just felt like we’re meant to be together. I close my eyes as she holds me. I try to memorize the way her body feels against mine.

Her hands run down my back and through my hair. I hold her tighter. I look up at her and sparks fly as our eyes meet.

She leans down and kisses me. I’ve never felt a kiss with so much love before in my life. I feel a rush of joy, lust, love, and so many other good emotions.

Being in her arms makes me feel like I’m right at home.

I kiss her back. I want to communicate everything I feel about her in this kiss. We pass all of our hopes and dreams and feelings to one another through our embrace.

She pulls away from the kiss. She takes my hand and leads me back to the bedroom. I take her hand and follow her.

When we get to the bedroom, she pulls me onto the bed with her. I land on top of her. I’m surprised by the sudden fall onto the bed.

She smiles and kisses me again. I practically melt into her when she does.

“I’ve fallen so hard for you. How did you manage to do that to me?” She asks with a laugh.

“Just lucky, I guess,” I tell her. I wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her again.

I’ll never get tired of kissing her. I entwine my limbs with hers. Even though gravity is pushing us together, I want to be even closer.

I move against her. The friction between our bodies is causing more lust to build inside of me. With all these emotions coursing through my body, I need to express what I’m feeling physically.

She starts to grind against me as well. She flips me on my back. She kisses me more deeply.

“I see how it is,” she says with a chuckle. “You just want me for my body.”

“I want you for all of you,” I tell her. “But your body is a nice bonus.”

“I hope so,” she says. “I like your body too. And I’m going to make it feel so good.”

She kisses me again before starting to kiss my neck. I moan and squirm against her. She knows all the places to kiss that drive me wild.

It’s almost ticklish when she starts to kiss my neck. The sensitivity and the gentleness of her kisses are really erotic. I run my hands through her hair.

Her hands start to feel my breasts through my shirt. With each squeeze and caress, I feel myself getting more turned on. I moan lightly.

I feel down her back and sides. She’s so strong. I feel the tautness of her muscles.

She sits up and pulls her shirt off over her head. She tosses it off the side of the bed. I look up at her, taking in the vision of her in her bra.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” She asks.

I start getting undressed as well. She continues taking her clothes off too. Soon, we’re both naked.

We lay in bed facing each other and taking each other in. I could look at her like this forever. I reach out and run my hands over her body. She does the same.

For a while, we stay just like this. Now that everything is settled, we don’t need to always be urgently making love to one another. Though, that is pretty fun.

Our sex here is much more slow. We’re taking our time memorizing each other’s body. I want to know what every inch of her feels like. And I want to know what sensitive part of her will drive her wild.

She’s the first one to start intently focusing on more erotic areas. She starts with my breasts first. She feels and squeezes over them before leaning forward to kiss and suck on them.

I close my eyes and enjoy the sensation. I feel a knot of sexual frustration growing between my legs. I let my legs fall open as a result.