After getting approval, the cousins descend like sharks, wasting no time revealing their true motives. “Let’s start with Emma. How ashamed were you to be a single mother?”

Rafaela’s eyes bulge and her nostrils flare. “Back off!”

I rest my hand on her shoulder, used to the criticism. “There’s no shame in it. Having Emma has made me a stronger woman, and now when I face a challenge I rarely back down.”

“Feisty, this one!” Apollo hollers, slapping his knees as he laughs. “So I assume as a strong and independent woman, you have no money troubles?”

“That’s none of your business!” Rafaela jabs her finger in her cousin’s direction.

Stefano shakes his head. “Heather can answer her own questions.”

“Those aren’t questions, they’re harassment.” Her eyes are dark, and she grabs my hand. “Come on, let’s go.”

Daniella pouts, pushing her cousin back down lightly. “No, don’t leave. We were just starting to have a good time together.”

“I’d like to stay.” I blurt, causing everyone in the room to quiet instantly. The pressure is on, and I want to do everything possible to pass this test of meeting the family with flying colors.

Stefano grins, but there’s something dark in his eyes. “See? Your guest wants to stay, so who are you to deny her that right?

Rafaela looks at me, her brown eyes wild. “Are you sure?” She whispers, squeezing my hand.

“I’m sure.” I squeeze back.

“So about your financial situation, I was just asking to make sure you weren’t using my dear cousin for money.” Something tells me Apollo is hiding something, but I answer anyways.

“To be completely honest, I am struggling right now. But I am not using Rafaela at all.” Sure, I asked her for money, but we made an agreement together.

Stefano leans back, propping his feet up on the coffee table. “That’s funny. I didn’t expect you to be so indifferent to the fact that Rafaela is using you.”

Rafaela goes pale, and I feel my heart skip a beat. “Excuse me?”

“Stop it now, Stefano.” Rafaela nearly growls the words and her cousins go rigid.

Her brother waves her off, continuing despite her warning. “The bet. I assume you knew this whole time, and went along with it because of our family’s wealthy status.”

“Shut up!” Rafaela yells, but Stefano doesn’t pay attention.

“No wait, what bet? What is he talking about?” I glance from person to person, the room beginning to spin from my sudden panic.

Rafaela stands to glower down at her brother and the tension is high. “Don’t you say another word.”

He stands, challenging her with his eyes. “I can’t stop now, it would be the right thing to do. Let this poor girl see what you’ve really been doing Rafaela.”

“I don’t understand.” It’s all I can manage, but I try my best to remain serene.

“We all made a bet, Heather. Play girl Rafaela had to stay with a girl of Daniella’s choosing for a month in order to get Apollo’s motocycle.”

I can’t believe the words that are coming out of his mouth. I turn to Rafaela, who now looks defeated instead of angry. I don’t have to ask her if it’s true or not.

“I thought you knew this whole time. Why else would you go along with the plan?” Stefano turns away from his sister and looks to me for answers.

Apollo looks uncharacteristically worried. “I think you’re taking it too far Stefano.”

“Leave him alone. Let Rafaela deal with her own mess.” Daniella shakes her head, but glances up at Rafaela with concern out of the corner of her eye.

“I wasn’t aware.” I speak up, keeping my head high. “Thanks for letting me know, I deeply appreciate it.”

I’m screaming inside, not knowing why I didn’t see through this plan in the first place. We made our own deal, but I had no idea there was a second deal going on behind my back at my expense.