Rachel and Cody share a startled glance. I don’t like the way their eyes trail from me back to each other several times before Rachel finally opens her mouth. I know that they think I’m naïve, and maybe a little ditzy at times, but it still hurts to see it painted across their features.

“Oh, come on! I’m serious. Remember the woman, Rafaela, who came in here the last night I worked? She’s amazing, and caring, and so kind. She really seems to love not just me, but Emma as well. That’s huge!” I hate that I feel like I have to justify my relationship to them.

“Just be careful,” Rachel warns.

“We don’t want to see you get hurt. Or Emma, for that matter,” Cody says.

“It’s only been a couple weeks, right? That seems a bit sudden to already be professing love,” Rachel says.

“You don’t have to worry,” I say. These are my friends, and I love them dearly, but I don’t want to listen to this right now. I’m nervous enough about dinner, already. I don’t need their help to add to that. “I have to go. Rafaela is picking me up for dinner with her family.”

Rachel and Cody share another look, which only makes me even more ready to end this conversation. “I’ll see you later.”

I flutter my hand in a small wave before turning and running for the door. Rafaela is already waiting in the parking lot as I step out into the sun. It’s a beautiful day, and I let that be the sign I need that everything is going to be fine.

Rafaela wraps me up in a warm embrace and I let the steady beat of her heart pressing against my own send reassuring waves of comfort through me. “You ready for this?” She asks, stepping back from me.

I nod and she ushers me around the side of the car. Opening the door, she tucks me into the passenger seat, before jogging back to the other side and taking her place behind the wheel. “Here goes nothing,” she says, as she steers the car in the direction of her father’s mansion.



I’m worried about how well my family will take to Heather, but I don’t give her any indication of that as we traverse the winding road to my father’s mansion. We decided it would be best to leave Emma with her grandfather tonight, so at least that’s one less thing to be concerned with. Although, I have no doubts that little girl is capable of winning over a room full of rabid beasts if she had her mind set to.

Heather is so normal, and my family is…well, not. She’s sweet and innocent, and a civilian on top of that. She has no idea about the kind of dark and twisted world I live in. I feel like I’m getting ready to throw her to the wolves.

I know my dad gave his approval when he met us at breakfast two weeks ago, but there’s a part of me that worries he might change his mind. If he does that, and tries to force Heather and I apart, I don’t know what I’ll do.

I’ve never felt this way about someone before. The thought of not being with her is crushing. What if Heather is more than just the bet that started this whole thing?

Pushing that thought aside, I concentrate on the road. Of course, this is just about the bet. Heather is sweet and all, but she really can’t be worth risking my position in the family. The unspoken words sound hollow in my own head.

Could I really be falling for her? I let my eyes wonder from the road for a brief second. Heather is sitting quietly in the seat next to me. She twists her hands together nervously.

I reach over and place one hand over hers. “It’s going to be fine. They’re going to love you.”

“I hope so,” she whispers. How did I let this get so out of control? The thought that I could hurt her sends pangs of guilt crashing through me.

When we arrive at the mansion, I pull Heather protectively against me. These aren’t wolves. These are hyenas, I realize, as I introduce her to my family.

Stefano gives me a knowing look filled with more animosity and vindictiveness than I ever would have believed he was capable. I knew he was an ass, but this is a whole new level. “So, this is your little…friend.” His eyes move a slow trail from the tip of Heather’s knock off heels, to the top of her wavy curls. His lips pull into a sneer as if he’s caught a whiff of something rotten.

Apollo and Daniella sidle up to me and Heather looks every bit the deer trapped in headlights as she takes in their intimidating forms. They both look as if they’re about to cause trouble until I shoot them my nastiest, don’t mess with me, look.

Daniella’s eyes go wide as if a lightbulb has suddenly gone off inside her head. “It’s nice to see you again, Heather.” She says demur


Apollo gives her a quizzical look and she just shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly. He follows her lead. “Hey, Heather, how’s it going?”

“Fine,” Heather swallows hard. “It’s nice to see you both.”

Various other family members come over to say hi and shake Heather’s hand. They all wear the same skeptical look, but I’m only concerned with my brother and cousins at the moment.

“Heather, I’m so pleased you could join us tonight.” My father’s voice booms from the dining room. He walks over and reaches for her hand, shaking it fervently. “I’m glad to see you again. Come, let us enjoy this delicious meal.”

We filter into the formal dining room, everyone taking a seat around the table. I pull Heather down so that she’s seated between my father and me. Daniella chooses the seat next to me with Apollo to her other side.