I pull myself back up over her.

“Now you can do that for me,” I joke.

She begins to eagerly eat me out again. She mimics some of the tongue movements I’ve made on her, and I have to admit, it’s incredible.

It isn’t long before I’m finishing too. I grip the headboard for support as the orgasm rolls through me.

When I’ve come down from it, I get off of her and untie her. I give her a kiss.

We’re still not done with our date, but I make a note to myself that I definitely want to do that again.



It’s been two weeks. Two weeks since the most intense, mind-blowing, life altering sexual experience of my entire life. Two weeks since Rafaela took me on a whirlwind romantic afternoon that lasted well into the night.

She showed me parts of this town that I never even knew existed. Parts, that in my pauper like state, I’ve never been privy to. When it was finally time to say goodbye, she dropped me off at my dad’s, kissed me sweetly, and then disappeared in that fancy car of hers.

There’s never been a time in my life that I’ve felt happier. I would almost believe it was all just some wild and crazy dream, if Rafaela wasn’t popping in on a daily basis, buying me things, showering me with gifts, and spoiling Emma absolutely rotten.

It’s more than just material things, though. A few days ago, Rafaela picked Emma and I up and took us to the park to feed the ducks. She remembered that I said that was something I used to do with my mom as a kid.

I couldn’t believe it, at first. No one has ever done anything like that for me before, given me the chance to relive one of the few happy times I’ve had in my life. It felt like my mom was there with us, looking out for us, and it filled my heart that I could share that with Emma, as well.

Rafaela really seems to listens to me when I talk. She understands me as a person, my hopes, my dreams, my frustrations. It’s weird to have someone like that in my life, but in a good way.

I know that she doesn’t expect anything from me in return, but it feels like I should find some way to repay her for all the kindness she’s been showing Emma and I. I was finally able to do something for her yesterday, a small gesture to me, but apparently it was so much more to her.

During one of our first conversations, Rafaela mentioned a book that she read as a teenager. It’s a simple story, but one that spoke to her on a level that had a lasting impact. She said that she’d been looking for a copy of it ever since, but hadn’t been able to find one.

Since I have the in with the best bookstore in town, I ask Rachel about it. Between the two of us, and a few of the other girls in the shop, we were able to procure an original copy. I gave it to Rafaela yesterday.

She was stunned at first, and I worried that I’d done the wrong thing. But when her darks eyes filled with tears, and she threw her arms around me, hugging me tightly, I knew the gesture had meant everything to her.

Rafaela gives so freely, her time, her money, her heart. It makes me think that she’s never really had anyone to return that to her in kind, but I’m more than willing to do whatever I can. It feels like there’s something real between us. Something more than I’ve ever been fortunate to have, and I’m not going to be willing to just walk away, not easily anyway.

Today is the day that I meet her family for Sunday dinner. I’m nervous as hell, although I already have her father’s approval, which I’m guessing is the only one that really counts.

I head into the bookstore before Rafaela picks me up. Rachel is at my position behind the counter. Her face lights up when she sees me.

“Heather! What a nice surprise. I’m so glad you came in,” she says with real delight in her voice.

“Hi Rachel. How’s everything going?” I ask.

“Crazy as usual. I would never expect anything different,” she sighs. I can hear the exhaustion in her voice. “I wanted to apologize, again, for being so abrupt before. There’s been a lot going on, and I might have taken a little bit of my own frustrations out on you.”

“It’s okay,” I say, giving her a quick hug, and I truly mean it. We all have so much going on. It’s easy to let that out on the people closest to us.

Cody walks over and wraps one arm around my shoulder, offering me a tight squeeze and a warm smile. “We’ve missed you around this place,” she says, sincerely.

“Well, I’ve been pretty busy, actually. You’ll never guess what I’ve been up to.” I’m so excited. I haven’t really told any of them about Rafaela, yet, and I’m dying to tell someone.

“Sounds intriguing,” Rachel says, slyly.

“Yeah, spill it already. You know I don’t do suspense,” Cody chimes in.

“I think I’m falling in love!” I exclaim.