“I guess I’ve never been in your shoes before when it comes to not being able to afford something. I am hoping to take over the family business someday when my father retires. He can’t seem to choose who would be best for the job between my brother and me. It’s hard not knowing for sure if I can make it happen.”

It doesn’t sound like she’s being boastful, just that she understands wanting something, and the uncertainty of being able to attain it.

“I’m so sorry,” I say.

“Let me take you out on a proper date,” she says suddenly, her voice filling with excitement.

“Yes! I would love that! We can drop Emma off with my dad.” I’m excited by the prospect of introducing Rafaela to him. I’m sure he’ll be just as mesmerized by her as I am.

How completely wrong was I? We’re standing awkwardly in my father’s foyer. He hasn’t let us get five steps in, even though Emma went barreling into the living room the second w

e arrived.

My dad is on full alert. He’s glaring at Rafaela as if, at any moment, she might sprout a second head. The protectiveness is both embarrassing and delightful. It makes me wonder if he was ever like this when I was a teenager, or if it’s a result of the aftermath involving how I ended up with Emma.

“And where is it that you’re taking my only daughter,” he demands. The degree of hostility in his voice is disconcerting.

“I have an entire day planned out. I can email you the itinerary if you’d like,” Rafaela responds, unfazed. Does she really have an itinerary?

I can see my dad’s jaw tighten, as he grinds his molars together. “Papa, can I paint a beautiful picture to hang on the fridge,” Emma asks eagerly, drawing his attention to her.

She wraps her arms around his leg and peers up at him. His face softens as he glances down at my beautiful girl. “Of course, angel. That sounds like fun. Why don’t you get out the paints and the paper and I’ll be right in to help you set up?”

“Yay!” She squeals, as she races back through the house.

“I love you, baby girl. I’ll see you later,” I holler after her, but she’s too focused on retrieving the paints to pay any attention to me.

“You be careful with my little girl,” he tells Rafaela in a voice that leaves no room for argument.

If I thought Rafaela’s dad was intimidating, I was sorely mistaken. I’ve never seen this side of my dad before, and if I didn’t know him, I’d probably be scared out of my mind.

“Of course, Mr. Cook. You should know, I’m extremely fond of both Heather and Emma. I will do everything in my power to make sure that nothing bad happens to either of them.” Rafaela says sincerely.

“You’d better not.” My dad warns.

“Alright, you two. I think the pissing match is just about over. I love you, daddy.” I raise up on my tip toes and press my lips against his cheek.

“Love you too,” he grumbles.

“We’ll be home late, so don’t wait up. Make sure Emma has a good dinner and a bath before bed. Don’t let her stay up too late.” I tick off the directions on my fingers.

“I raised you, didn’t I? I think I can handle one three-year-old for the day.” I can tell that he’s not as upset as he wants us to believe he is. He’s just worried about me, like any father would be. He doesn’t want to see me get hurt again.

Before I can reply, Rafaela grabs hold of my arm and spins me towards the door. She sweeps me from the house and into her Aston Martin. It’s the fanciest car I’ve ever been in, and I’m afraid to touch any part of it, even though Emma and I were both in it earlier.



That sneaky bastardo, Stefano thinks that he can sabotage me? I was a fool to think that he would play fair.

In the years that I have known my idiot younger brother he’s never been one to leave a bet to chance. If there’s any way for him to weight the dice then he’ll do it and I’m sure that he’s laughing thinking about how our father must have frightened her.

Well she passed with flying colors! And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Stefano get one over on me. It’s time for me to pull out all the stops and really sweep Heather off her feet.

She’s not going to know what hit her.

“So, Principesca,” I say to Heather with a small smile as we rev my car. “Are you willing to put yourself in my hands for the rest of the day?”