But none of that could touch me now. We were in our own little world. Just the two of us. Soon to be just the three of us.

Marcus’s head seemed to be in a similar place. Without warning, he set me on my feet and dropped to his knees, pressing his lips tenderly against my stomach.

“What do you think, baby? You glad mommy and daddy got married after all?”

I laughed softly and ruffled his hair, feeling almost dizzy with emotion as I gazed down at my new family. “Marcus,” I chided playfully, “when you’re talking to our child, you’re going to have to be a bit more specific.”

He looked up with a question in his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I just think that if you’re going to be having a conversation, you should have a better idea of who you’re talking to.”

He shook his head blankly as I pulled him up to his feet. I stroked back his hair with a smile. Then, stretching up on my tiptoes, I pressed my lips softly against his ear and whispered,

“It’s a boy.”

Marcus couldn’t stop smiling. Neither could I. We didn’t start off on the right foot, but everything came together in the end. I had found the love of my life.

He kissed me, soft and tender. I was so happy we found each other and could begin our lives together as husband and wife, starting this very second!


One year later…

Marcus and I embarked on our wonderful adventure of marriage and parenthood. We both loved it and enjoyed every bonding moment. We both got to know each other quite well. It was like we were perfect for each other, a perfect match.

Marcus was an excellent father, and I was a wonderful mother. I didn’t know I had it in me, but I did. Boy, was my mother right. I loved my baby more than anything. He and Marcus were my world. Speaking of world, the world said that I had tamed Marcus Taylor. But I think he just fell in love, and wanted to settle down and be the best husband and father he could be. Did I tell you both Marcus and I cried when our baby came into the world? It was one of our most favorite memories ever. Dillon weighed six pounds and two ounces. That little man just took our breath away.

It seemed as if the world was happy Marcus had settled down and found true happiness. He showed the world a new man who loved his son and wife more than anything. Marcus’s image was greatly improved, and the negative perceptions in the media just kind of disappeared. They focused on his new life and not his old one. And I was grateful for that.

I got a big break when a movie producer came to one of my shows at the theater. He said I’d be perfect for the role of Julie Showers, so I tried out. It was a spy flick. He said I nailed it. I wondered if Marcus had anything to do with it at first. But then later, I learned the producer was a neighbor of Barry’s cousin. Amanda had tried out for the role and didn’t get it. She admitted she wasn’t right for the role and highly recommended me. Amanda told him, “You’ve got to see this girl in action! She’s not like any other actress you’ve ever seen.” The producer came to my show, loved what he saw, and gave me a shot. I couldn’t be happier.

Amanda got a job on a soap opera and played sexy vixen Laura Hartman. It was only supposed to be for three months, but everyone loved her, and she ended up getting the role full time. She and Barry are still going strong. And they still have Deevus, the three-legged cat. I still go to visit him. And he’s still ornery as ever. But he’ll always have a special place in my heart. Amanda and I are still best friends. We love to take walks in the park. I think my new baby, Dillon, really loves the stroller ride. He enjoys being outside just like his mama. Dillon had smooth skin, blue eyes, and black hair. He was the cutest baby ever. Of course, I was impartial.

Eduardo and Dolly hit it off. It was fun having two peacocks. And I swear Eduardo started to like me. I think he was thankful I brought a woman into his life. He’s much happier now. They roam the grounds carefree without a single worry in the world.

I was on the set working when I got a nice surprise. I smiled as Marcus walked up to me carrying Dillon.

“Hey, you guys came up to the set,” I said.

I kissed Marcus, then Dillon. When my darling baby boy grinned at me, my heart melted.

I laughed. “Hey, his shirt is on backward.”

“Sorry, hon. I was in a hurry,” he said. “I didn’t want to miss your lunch break.”

I grinned. “It’s okay. You’re doing great without a nanny.”

He smiled, then kissed me again. We agreed on no nannies or boarding school. Marcus was doing a great job and I was so proud of him.

“Wanna grab a bite to eat down the street?” I said.

“I would love to,” Marcus answered.

I stared into Marcus’s eyes as so many thoughts consumed me. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I tried to blink them away.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. “Bad day at work, honey?”

“No,” I said.