onditioner that my stylist had recommended, and I had to admit, as I ran my fingers through my dripping hair, it was softer and shinier than ever.

I probably could have stayed in there for another hour, basking in the steam and calming my ever-rising nerves, but after just five minutes, I jumped back out and dried off—making it back into the room just as breakfast arrived on a silver tray. The head housekeeper, a meticulous lady named Mrs. Cognit, had brought it in herself.

“Congratulations, Miss White. You’re a welcome addition,” she said as she backed away.

I looked up in surprise. I didn’t think we had ever actually spoken before, other than the casual passing greeting.

“Thank you very much,” I said earnestly. “I’ve very glad to be here.”

The rest of my morning could have been summed up in little moments like that. Little details and thoughtful touches that took my breath away. Lisa, my supervisor from work, had sent a bouquet of tulips along with a card signed by a dozen patients in the hospice home. Kelly, my darling barista, had driven up to the front gate and hand-delivered no less than twenty of my favorite mochas—which were quickly passed around to a grateful room. Even Teller Hamberg, my god-awful ex-landlord, took this opportunity to send back half of my security deposit (along with a note saying that if it didn’t work out with Marcus, no one would be too surprised—but that was neither here nor there). All in all, I was overwhelmed beyond words with how everyone special in my life had pulled together and come through for me.

Hair and makeup flew by, and before I knew it, there was a coded knock on the door. I looked up in excitement. Finally, after all these weeks, I was going to get to see my dress.

The door cracked open, and Tatiana slipped inside. For the first time ever, she wasn’t flanked by half a dozen Russian waifs—it was just her, carrying a long white garment bag.

“I can’t believe it’s actually time,” I said to no one in particular.

An excited hush had fallen over the room, and when Tatiana pulled the dress from the bag, it was followed by a collective gasp.

“Oh my gosh!”

It was unlike anything I’d ever seen before. The silk was white, yes, but it seemed to shimmer—like newly fallen snow. The beading was delicate and extraordinary—melting away like someone had simply dipped the fabric in a river of liquid silver. When I slipped it on, it clung to me like a second skin. It was strapless, like I’d requested, with a thin gauzy overlay that trailed down my back and touched the top of the floor. The train itself was a bit longer, but could be pinned up easily to provide just one more layer of the floaty, silky material.

“Tatiana, it’s beautiful.” I spun around in delight, “I feel like I’m wearing a winter cloud.”

The room burst out laughing, and even Tatiana ended up joining in. “I’m going to take that as a compliment,” she answered. “In fact, it’s one of the best I’ve ever got. The dress looks lovely on you, Rebecca. I am proud to have been a part of it.”

My mother dissolved into a fresh fit of tears, but Amanda walked forward with a very serious, almost solemn look on her face.

“You are, no joke, the most beautiful person in the world right now.” She looked up at the ceiling so she wouldn’t cry. “I’m so happy for you!”

I reached out to hug her, but Tatiana raised a stiff hand in between us. “No one hugs the dress,” she commanded. “Not until after the ceremony.”

We pulled away laughing, and I thanked her again as she hurried off to find her seat. We were in the final moments now—just a zipper here, an accessory there. It was easier than usual because I wasn’t wearing any jewelry. The only piece I’d decided to bring was the bracelet Marcus gave me with the engraving We belong together. That, and the new ring Marcus had given me the night before.

In what felt like just seconds later, someone announced that “It’s time” and we all hurried down the stairs and out the door.

A long aisle of white chiffon had been stretched down into my favorite side yard—the one with the hanging trees right next to the garden. White peonies let the way to an arch under which Marcus and his groomsman were to be waiting.

Then the music started and we were off.

I took my time with the walk, trying to savor each moment. Wearing this dress, with the scent of flowers hovering in the air, I felt more like I was floating than walking—drifting along in some kind of fairytale, ready for the next chapter to begin.

Then I saw him.

All the breath rushed from my body in one silent gasp, and I suddenly couldn’t wait to be at the end of the aisle. I quickened my steps and beamed without restraint as I gazed into his radiant face. Those magical, ocean eyes beamed back at me.

The music suddenly stopped, and he took my hands, fingers caressing the ring before he looked up into my eyes. And suddenly, everything was so simple. It didn’t matter how we met; it didn’t matter the steps we took to get to this point.

This was the man I loved. This was the man I was going to marry.

The gazebo was all decked out in pretty roses. The wedding party was all lined up outside it, waiting for us. Several rows of white chairs were occupied by close friends and family, but I barely saw any of them; I was far too zeroed in on Marcus, who was standing up at the front, next to his best friend. He looked amazing in his tux, with his bowtie and vest, his eyes shining with love as he looked at me and only me. I swallowed against the sudden lump in my throat, tears stinging my eyes.

“You’ve got this,” Max murmured in my ear. “I promise.”

He began to lead me down the aisle, and the Wedding March played steadily from a set of speakers that had been set up by a DJ. I would never forget the millions of smiles as everyone looked at me. It was just amazing. I followed along, keeping my eyes on Marcus to steady myself.

The way Marcus looked at me was simply magical. The smile on his face was priceless. It was one of the most vivid, happiest moments of my life. His entire face lit up in awe. My heart skipped a beat, and tears welled in my eyes. I was blown away by how handsome he was, how beautiful he was. I truly felt like I’d stepped into a fairytale.