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It’s funny how life can change in the blink of an eye. One minute you’re deliriously happy and in the next, the tears won’t stop flowing. In time, just as I had feared, my Luke became so busy that we grew apart. Lonely and heartbroken, I went off to school to study photography. I eventually refused to take any of his phone calls or texts or emails, as being penciled in or squeezed between other things wasn’t my idea of dating him. I would have been more than willing to carry on a long-distance relationship with him if he had been willing to pick up the phone more than once a week, but in the end, Luke chose his career over me. His made it clear that his Plan B didn’t include me, and the future he had in mind had no room for me in it.

As much as it hurt, I had to come to the realization that I needed to move on. He had rocked my world in so many ways, but I wouldn’t let him shatter it entirely. For the first time, I began dating other guys, and slowly but surely, my life droned on, without the love of my life by my side.

Five years later…

I graduated at the top of my class and landed a great job in the fashion photography industry. A steady flow of roommates came and went, which helped with the rent.

My dad moved to the outskirts of New York City after my mom passed away; it was just too much for him to stay in that big house all by himself, especially since it all reminded him of her, and he wanted to be closer to me. I couldn’t have been happier to have him so close by. I showed him everything the Big Apple had to offer, and he loved the big-city life. He offered to let me move in with him, but I wanted to keep my hard-earned independence.

Things were really going great, and I enjoyed the company of my two roommates. Kate was a model, and Ann was an actress, and both of them were the consummate struggling artists. I fit right in, because I was a struggling photographer.

After Mom’s death, which was a heart-wrenching experience I was sure I would never survive, I was sure things could not get any worse. As if fate was trying to prove me wrong, my father was soon diagnosed with cancer. For a while, he was admitted to a nursing facility, where he could be treated and observed while he fought to get stronger so he could come back home. I tried not to think too much about it, because I didn’t want to tempt fate by daring to be hopeful again.

My cell rang, and I answered it before I headed into work at the studio. “Hey, Kate,” I said.

“It happened again!”


“I swear, that dryer was designed to eat my socks!”

“Um…you’re calling me about socks like it’s some sort of lifetime tragedy? Kate, you really need to lay off the caffeine.”

She sighed. “I can’t keep buying socks.”

“Maybe it’s the neighbor. She’s always pissed because we don’t get our clothes out of the dryer quick enough. Maybe she’s holding them hostage, committing a footwear felony.”

She sighed again, clearly unimpressed by my creative use of alliteration. “I was only five minutes late, and that old bat threw my stuff on top of the dryer and put hers in. Ted, from down the hall, took my wet clothes out of the washer and put his clothes in both the washer and dryer. I’m not comfortable with strangers touching my delicates, ya know?”

“I know it’s frustrating, but you have to play nice if we want to keep the peace. We’ve gotta be neighborly with the neighbors.”

“Yeah, I guess. Anyway, I’m surrounded by walls of towering laundry. I’ve got a few bucks. Can I bum a few quarters?”

“Sure. I’ll bring some home. Next topic. Dinner. Wanna do Chinese tonight?”

“Can’t afford it. I can’t even swing the rent this month really.”

“Huh? Didn’t you get paid today?”

“No. They stiffed me. I went to the job this morning, only to find that the guy closed up shop. The loser was a total scam artist. From now on, I’m sticking with reputable modeling agencies.” She sighed again, more heavily this time, sounding defeated. “How did I ever think I could make it in the playground of America’s millionaires and billionaires?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll cover the rent,” I said.

“How? You barely have enough money to cover your own half. Why don’t we get another roommate? Ann’s been off filming that B movie of hers, and I know she’s not paying a cent of the rent either.”

“She said she’s coming back soon.”

“Well, empty promises don’t pay the bills. Besides, you know how she is. ‘Soon’ might mean three months to her. Maybe it’s time to think about other options. Remember Barbara, that blonde actress? She needs a place.”

“She’s a lush,” I said. “Drunks are out of the question.”

“Well, we need to do something. I’m tired of living on ramen. You know that stuff is 400 calories, right? How am I supposed to keep my girlish figure eating that?”

“I dunno. Maybe moving all that laundry around helps.”

“Very funny,” she said, huffing. “Hey, I know! Why don’t you do some modeling too? You’re gorgeous, and you could make a lot more money than what you’re earning now if you’ll get on the other side of the camera. You’ll get more jobs as a model. And you’re way prettier than me.”