“Then we’ll find you some, or at least a guy hot enough so you don’t care either way.”

“Where do they keep the guys like that?”

“The VIP lounge, I think.”

“We’d never make it past the velvet ropes.”

“Break out the flatiron this time.”

“What’s wrong with my ponytail?” Britt asked.

“Besides the fact it’s a ponytail? You’re trying to pull a guy. So you want your hair down and sexy.”


“But nothing. Hair down. I’m trying to rehabilitate your social life. Don’t fight me on this. I’m going to help you find a suitable guy, someone fun and exciting and hot. Super hot.”

Britt thought of Jack, who was, without a doubt, all of those things, with a special emphasis on super hot. Jack, whom she’d picked up wearing that blue dress, who’d removed that same dress memorably on the night they’d met at Tamarind. Jack who kept trying to get closer while she tried to pull away. Well, here was her big chance then. She could prove to herself that she wasn’t hung up on her hook up. She could put on her dancing dress and go pull a new guy. Shrugging, she agreed to go.

Back in her apartment, she curled her eyelashes and straightened her hair. She rubbed fake tanner on her bare arms and dusted bronzer along her cleavage. She glossed her lips and stepped into pinchingly pointy toed stilettos. Britt was ready in plenty of time. Jack called and she answered, her voice sounding a little high, a little off. Guilty, she decided. She felt and sounded guilty for no reason. Hadn’t she encouraged him to go out and have a good time? Hadn’t she been perfectly clear they weren’t exclusive? Well, if not perfectly clear, at least somewhat open to him socializing with other women? In spirit if not in explicit conversation.

“Hi. How was your day?” he asked.

“Not bad. I have the cramps,” she blurted out. Might as well keep her lies consistent to all listeners.

“I hope you feel better,” he said. “Any cookie cake today?”

“No. But I had a cookie when Marj and I went for coffee.”

“Chocolate chip?”

“What other kind is there?”

“The disgusting ones with the macadamia nuts,” he remarked derisively.

“I know, right,” she said.

“So what are you doing tonight?”

“Uh, Marj and I are going out.”


“Maybe. I don’t know what she has planned really.”

“If it’s Marj it’s bound to be exciting. Don’t let her hook you up with any guys.” He laughed.

Britt didn’t laugh. She couldn’t make herself. She didn’t want to lie to him. She didn’t want to cheat on him even in spirit.

“I think I’m just her wingman tonight,” she hedged.

“So you get stuck with the ugly friend? I’m now jealous of the ugly friend,” Jack said.

“I may just stand there and play on my phone and ignore the ugly friend,” she said.

“Friend me on Epic City. It’s a building game. We can trade stuff. I really need this new sustainability booster and you can’t buy it with your game coins.”

“You’re geeking out over a Facebook game!” she giggled.