“On that note, why don’t you let me handle Lydia?” Sarah took the photographs back out of Lacy’s hands. “I think you’ve already paid your dues with this particular case.”

Another wave of relief swept through her body, and Lacy laughed nervously. “Yeah, thanks Sarah. I’ll just...get started on some other things that have been piling up.”


Sarah vanished without another word—leaving Lacy in a state of mild cardiac arrest behind her. The second she was sure her friend was gone, she whirled back around to her computer—only to find that five more pictures were waiting in her inbox.

She couldn’t believe it. Each one was raunchier than the last.

Her getting dressed in the morning. Her stepping out of the shower. Her naked profile as she shed the last of her clothes and climbed into bed.

How the hell did he take all of these without me knowing?!

And perhaps more importantly...

Why the hell am I still fucking smiling?!

She didn’t understand exactly why. It went against the fundamentals of everything she believed in. But there was something about the fact that Logan took the pictures. That Logan was grinning behind the camera, enjoying her naked body, that couldn’t help but make her smile.

Not that he ever has to know that. The man is going to get an earful.

With another cautious glance over her shoulder, Lacy began typing a hasty response.

In case I didn’t make it clear this morning, I am at WORK. What the hell are you doing sending these kind of things to my inbox? And why exactly do you have them in the first place?

She expected a quick reply. She expected some of that famous Logan Chase wit. But he was slow writing back to her. And what he finally wrote was the last thing she expected.

Work, lol. I would love nothing more than to bend you over that desk, and fuck you senseless right there at the office. Any way we could make that happen? I’d make it worth your while. ;)

Lacy stared blankly at the screen, trying to read between the lines. What the hell was going through that pretty head of his? Was he drunk? Or just mischievous as all hell?

...have you gotten into the Scotch?

This time, the response from his end was much quicker. She got a reply almost as soon as she pressed send.

I’ve sent you a lot of pictures this morning. Send me one in return?

For the second time, Lacy’s jaw fell slowly open as she stared unblinkingly at the screen. What did he expect her to do? Ask Sarah and Quin to leave the room while she stuck her phone down her shirt and fired off a quick email? The man was insane!

You have officially lost it, lol. But you’ll see the real thing soon enough. Dinner tonight?

There. Maybe that would dissuade him for a while. She stared nervously at the computer, waiting for his reply. The second it came in, she clicked it open—only to be surprised yet again.

Can’t wait that long. Meet me at the Fairmont? I’ve booked us a room...

The Fairmont? One of the most expensive hotels in Cleveland? What the hell was this? He did realize they didn’t exactly rent out those rooms by the hour, right? She hesitated another moment, then typed out a hesitant reply.

I just got to the office, babe. I can’t just leave...

By now, her heart was pounding in her chest. She knew he was just teasing, but there was a different kind of edge

to it. One she didn’t know what to make of. One that made her a little nervous to do or say the wrong thing.

A few seconds later, she got her response. It wasn’t a message. It was another picture. A simple picture, but it was worth a thousand words.

A room key, held in an open hand.

She bit down on her lip as her body froze with indecision. Since Logan had gotten into town, she’d been missing quite a lot of work lately.