She was right. Just a second later, he grabbed her. But while his body might be buzzing like a live wire, his brain was still half-asleep. With just a simple maneuver, she was out of his grasp and diving down below the blanket. He laughed aloud and tried to pull her back up, but those playful struggles froze dead still when she suddenly took him into her mouth.


It was too early for any composure. He was too tired to play the game very long. His eyes squeezed shut and he tilted back his head with a low moan, as his fingers tangled in her hair. The bed moved back and forth as her head bobbed along beneath the sheets. Twice, he tried propping himself up on his elbows to watch her. Twice, he fell back against the mattress in defeat.

Before long, it was all he could do to keep quiet. Just a few moments after that, he was teetering on the edge—every muscle in his body going simultaneously taut.

Of course...that’s when Lacy came to a sudden pause.

“Say it,” she murmured, peering up at him through the gap in the blankets.

His hips stopped their rocking motion and his eyes snapped open in surprise. “Why are you...say what? What are you talking about?”

Her teeth clamped down on her lower lip, stifling a giggle. It wasn’t often that one of the most composed and eloquent men in the world found himself at a loss for words.

“Say that you won’t go back to Florida. Say that you’ll move to Cleveland.”

There was a split second pause, before he burst out laughing. Breathlessly laughing, as he tried to get himself under control. “This is what it’s come to? Sexual torture?”

“I wouldn’t call it torture, per say...” Lacy ran her tongue slowly up his skin, and his hands balled into fists on the sheets beside her. “I’d call it an opportunity.”

She started and stopped, playing games with his pulse. Watching all the while with a little smile as the international juggernaut crumbled to pieces in front of her.

“You know...I should hire you.” His nails made little holes in the sheets as he focused every bit of concentration on keeping still. “You’d make a hell of a negotiator. Those other suits in the board room wouldn’t know what hit them.”

She took him in her mouth again, swirling her tongue in teasing little circles, before peeking out of the blankets with a grin. “Well you should know, these aren’t exactly my standard tactics. In fact, they’re something I’ve saved rather special for you.” Her teeth bit down and he cried out, muscles straining beneath her guiding hand. “Plus—I already have a job.”

All of a sudden, it was as if all the growing momentum came to an abrupt stop. Logan’s eyes snapped open and he slid up a few inches on the mattress—away from her influence.

“That’s have a job dating other people.”

Lacy froze a second in surprise, before pulling the blankets back over her head with a theatrical groan. She was wondering when that little detail was going to come back to haunt her.

Logan rewarded the groan with a smirk, but he wasn’t about to let her off the hook so easily. “You know, you gave me a ton of shit last night for how I acted back at your little candlelit feast, but can you even begin to imagine what it was like for me to see you there? I was just out for a walk, minding my own business, when I see you poised in the window of Cleveland’s most romantic restaurant with some creep’s hands all over you. You’re lucky all I did was pull up a chair! I had half a mind to rip the guy’s arms off.”

“Oh I’m lucky, am I?” Lacy pulled herself out of the blankets with an incredulous smile, folding her arms tightly across her chest as she stared him down. “You get that it wasn’t a real date, right? That I was trying to bring an adulterer to justice? That I was doing my job?”

“Looked like you were having a bit of fun doing it, that’s all.” Logan sniffed. He tried very hard for self-righteous, but neither one of them could stop grinning.

“What was it that tipped you off?” Lacy asked sarcastically. “The way my entire body was cringing away from him, or the fact that I was trying not to gag?”

“You were drinking wine. By candlelight.” Logan hoisted himself higher on the mattress, folding his arms across his chest with a rather superior expression. “Everyone knows those two things are simply a gateway to something more.”

“...photographic entrapment and divorce?”

“Shit—you’re jaded.”

“What do you expect?” Lacy laughed. “I deal in male deception for a living. And as if that isn’t enough, my most recent lover turned out to have an entirely different identity...”

“Water under the bridge,” Logan said dismissively. He unfolded his arms, and gestured her forward. “Now if you wouldn’t mind, I’d really like to fuck you—”

But Lacy held her ground, looking at him with sudden suspicion.

“And on that note...just out for a walk, minding my own business?” She quoted his own words back to him. “And you just happened to be walking past the exact same restaurant where I happened to be working that night? Downtown? A place you couldn’t have gotten on foot?”

His face froze with sudden guilt, like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar. A look of adorable penitence flashed across his face, as he ventured a tentative defense. “I might have stopped by your office yesterday afternoon, and Sarah might have told me where you were going to be later...not that it matters. I totally would have found it on my own.”

“Oh—you would have, huh?” Lacy still resisted his subtle efforts to pull her forward, perched in naked stubbornness on the bed. “I can’t believe she told you. Where’s the fucking loyalty? The only reason I was there was so that she could go on her precious date—”