Lacy looked up in surprise to see him staring intently into her eyes. For a second, she thought it had to be a joke, but one look at his face convinced her otherwise. The man had never been more serious about anything in his entire life.

...not that it made a difference.


She answered before she’d even considered the question, but she knew in her heart it was true. Her entire life was here in Cleveland. She didn’t want to move halfway across the country to play house in some billionaire’s mansion while the company she’d worked so hard to build fell along the wayside. Besides—she hated Florida. The humidity. The heat. Weren’t there sharks?

Logan gave no formal reaction besides a quiet nod. He hadn’t been expecting any other answer. But that still didn’t mean he wasn’t going to ask the question.

And on that note...

“Would you consider moving here?”

Again—Lacy spoke without thinking. But the second the words were out, she found herself breathlessly waiting for their reply.

It would be so much easier for him to make the move than for her. Not only did he have the resources, but he wasn’t running a local business. He was running an international corporation. From a cursory internet search of Skylight Resorts, she’d gleaned that they had corporate headquarters in cities all over the world. Why not this one? Why not Cleveland?

At any rate—he hated his life in Florida. It was the entire reason he fled to the west coast.

Get serious, Lacy. You didn’t want to move because your entire life is here. Well his entire life is over there. Whether he likes it or not. Besides, the decision probably wouldn’t even be up to him. There’s a board of directors. People that hold him accountable—


Her subconscious spiral came to a sudden pause, as her eyes widened in disbelief. Was he serious? This wasn’t some kind of joke? There was actually a chance, that after just a few days, he’d pack up everything and move across the country?

...for me?

“Really?” She was almost afraid to ask. “That might be a...a possibility?”

His eyes twinkled, as he pulled her against his chest with a warm smile. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my time here, it’s that this place has nothing but possibilities. I don’t see why it would be such a crazy notion that I move here permanently to see for myself.”

Her entire face warmed with a smile so bright, she buried her face quickly in his chest just so he wouldn’t see. The doubts and uncertainties that had plagued her melted away, as a whole new world of options suddenly opened before her.

He could move in with her. Or maybe they’d get a new house altogether. Her office would get to keep running, and he could open an office downtown. They’d find a café in the middle where they could meet for lunch...

“What are you thinking about?”

She looked up with a guilty grin, and he kissed the tip of her nose. Her eyes danced with excitement, but she kept it completely to herself. Not wanting to pressure him. Not wanting to give herself away or over-play her hand.


“Oh really?” His fingers dug into her sides, eliciting a peal of giggles as he began tickling without mercy. “You weren’t planning lunch dates and picking out curtains for the new house?”

Shit—was the man telepathic?

“” Lacy slapped his hands away and straightened up with as much grinning dignity as she could possibly muster. “Nothing as mundane as all that.”

“No,” he laughed softly, hugging her close, “nothing as mundane as all that.”

The conversation trailed off into a comfortable silence, as the moon came up over the trees. Before long, the bed was bathed in starlight—lending a surreal glow to what had already been a surreal night. They stared up at it for a long while, until their eyes became too heavy to stay open. Then the two of them fell asleep. Naked in each other’s arms.

Chapter 23

Despite having stayed up half the night (showing Logan what life could be if he decided to move to Cleveland), Lacy got up early the next morning—just as the sun was coming up over the tips of the trees. She stared out the window for a moment, blinking at the soft light, before rolling over to gaze sleepily at the beautiful man on the sheets beside her.

He was still passed out cold—curled up in a little cocoon of blankets he’d made sometime in the night. One hand was wrapped in a loose fist around his pillow, and the other was stretched towards her—the tips of his fingers grazing the edge of her bare skin.

A little smile lit up her face and she bit down on her lip—hiding a dimple.