There was something rather disgusting about the way he said that as well, but at this point, Lacy was too preoccupied to care. The guy had apparently decided that the ‘pleasantries’ part of the evening was already over, and it was time to make his move.

“And what about you?” His fingers snaked around her wrist, inching higher and higher up her arm. “You looking for the real thing? Or just an unforgettable night?”

Lacy resisted a shudder as his clammy hand clamped down upon hers, forcing herself to smile instead. He wanted an unforgettable night? She could promise this was going to be one for the books. One he’d remember for a very, very long time.

“An unforgettable night, huh?” Her teeth bit down upon her lip, as she flashed her most seductive smile. “And what exactly did you have in mind?”

He leaned forward across the table, his lips just inches from her own.

“Let me show you.”

She wasn’t going to let him touch her lips. But she needed him to stay close for the pictures.

“Wait. I just want to savor this moment forever, to stare into those gorgeous eyes of yours.”

He stroked her face. “You’re romantic. I like that.”

“I love staring into a man’s eyes. It’s like I can see their soul, know all their secrets.”

“I don’t have any secrets. You’re all mine. I live alone, no wife, no girlfriend. Just looking for Miss Right.”

Keep blabbing away. The tape recorder is catching everything, jerk!

“I just live for the moment,” she said.

“Are you a spontaneous woman?”

“Yes, I like to think so.”

“I feel like we have this connection, and that we could have one hell of a night. If you’re up for it, if we connect well over dinner.”

“I’m definitely feeling the sparks.”

“Me too. Just give me one night. And I promise it’ll be the very best night of your life.”

There was a sudden bang on the window, and they both jumped back. They whirled around at the same time, staring incredulously at the glass.

An angry man was standing outside.

Logan. Shit!

The moonlight flashed ice blue in his eyes, as he gave Brad Harmon a quick once-over, then turned with excruciating slowness to Lacy. Their eyes met and she stifled a silent gasp.

Chapter 18

It took twenty seconds for Logan to get inside the restaurant. Just twenty seconds, but to Lacy, it felt like a small eternity.

The entire establishment had yet to make a sound. Diners were paused with their forks lifted halfway to their mouths. Waitresses were frozen mid-pour. Across the room, Quin was staring with panic-stricken eyes, her phone still pointed directly at their table. But by far, the most formidable reaction Lacy had yet to deal with was Brad Harmon himself.

“Do you know that guy?”

His fingers tightened around her wrist, and Lacy snapped back to the present. There was a stiffness to the way he was holding himself, and judging by the glint of suspicion in his eyes, he clearly suspected she was doing what he’d come there to do himself. To cheat on a spouse.

“I...he’s...” She floundered for a second, peripherally tracking Logan’s progress as he stormed briskly inside. Usually, the lies came very easily. But for one of the first times in her life, she was having a true ‘deer-in-the-headlights’ moment. “I used to. Back in college. The guy’s...well, I guess you could say he’s a bit unstable.”

The suspicion eased up, but his hand remained. If anything, he only tightened his grip as Logan marched across the room towards their table.

Please let this not be happening... Please let this not be happening...