Her body was on fire, so out of control, like a forest fire spreading wildly. Her lids slowly shut as he gently and expertly traced a line of kisses down her throat. His hands skimmed down her body as he licked, nibbled, and stroked her into a state of complete ecstasy. No man had ever kissed her like that. He literally traced a path of fire down her chest and stomach.

Lacy opened her eyes suddenly, as his fingers slipped in between her legs. He paused, staring down with a guilty smile, then continued teasing her to his heart’s content.

“Hey, maybe we should stop,” she said. “We are in the middle of a national park. Sorry, I got you so heated up. Let’s finish this at home.”

“You didn’t have a problem with skinny dipping.”

“Yeah—that’s because no one ever comes over here. And it’s shielded by trees.”

He flashed her a mischievous grin. “See? Perfect!”

He hitched himself up onto one elbow, turning onto his side so he could lean down for a leisurely kiss. A kiss that Lacy broke out of halfway, as she gazed nervously around.

“Skinny dipping isn’t sex, Dylan. We can’t have sex on the beach—”

“Lacy,” he paused for a moment, staring down at her with that same gravitas as when he’d talked about the imaginary eel, “have you ever seen the movie Titanic?”

“...I can feel a massive rationalization coming on...”

“I’d be willing to bet that the water they were dealing with, wasn’t half as cold as the water over here. And they still got hypothermia and died.” He paused for dramatic effect, those blue eyes widening to take up half of his face. “Do you want to die, Lacy?”

She bit down on her lip to fight back a grin.

“Those are really my only two options? Sex or death by hypothermia?”

He considered for a moment, before nodding with a childish smile.


Her head fell back with a burst of laughter, one that echoed over the sparkling waves. She had no idea what it was about him that brought out this side of her. She was not the kind of person who would ever have sex on a beach. She was not the type of person who would have ever taken off her clothes to begin with. But something about being with him made her feel alive.

Made her feel free.

“Tell you what,” he bargained, “you think it over. I’m just going to busy myself over here.” He sank down on the blanket, his trailing warm kisses down her stomach. “Tell me whatever you decide, and take your time. No need to rush...”

Without another word, his head sank down between her legs. She let out a sharp gasp, followed by an even sharper cry as he got to work. Her fingers wrapped in his damp hair, and every thought flew out the window as his tongue swirled faster and faster. Her body heaved and arched. Her teeth clamped down upon her lower lip.

Forget about heating her up, it wasn’t long until her very blood was at a boil.


His lips came down over hers before she could finish saying his name, absorbing her breathless cry, as he pushed himself suddenly inside her. There wasn’t much left to do, he had already brought her so close to the edge that with just a few quick thrusts, she was already falling to pieces, wrapping her arms around his neck as her head fell back to the shore.

A few seconds later, and he was right there with her. Crying out aloud as he buried his face in her neck, trying desperately to catch his breath.

They lay there for a moment, riding it out together, before he rolled off of her and onto his back. His fingers reached down to take her hand, and a little smile played around his lips as he stared up at the sky—watching the birds as his face warmed with the sun.

It was truly one of the most beautiful things she’d ever seen. The way the light caught in his eyes, dancing like it had a mind of his own. The way his blonde hair haloed around his handsome face—falling in messy little waves across his forehead.

“What are you smiling about?” she asked with a grin, rolling onto her side so that she could see him better. “We dodged a hypothermic bullet? Two more lives saved?”

He laughed quietly, before it faded into a gentle smile. His eyes never left the sky, but he lifted her hand and slowly pressed it against his lips. “I’ve never done this before.”

Her breathing hitched at the sudden change in his tone. At the tender way he was stroking his thumb against the back of her hand. “What? Had sex outside?”

“No.” He pressed her hand against his chest, right over his pounding heart. “This.”

Chapter 9