She pulled it out of her purse and checked the caller ID. “It’s Giovanni. At least he’s calling me.”

Fausta watched her as she answered. “Put it on speaker.”

Donetta nodded. “Giovanni?”

“Can you talk?” He sounded so anxious her heart plunged to the floor.

“Yes! I guess you know I just arrived here in Domodossola. My sister Fausta is with me. Is Enrico all right? I love him so much and have been hoping, waiting for him to call.”

She heard him expel a deep sigh. “I have a better idea. I’m on my way in the jet right now to bring you back on Enrico’s orders. Then you can talk to him yourself. Be at the airport in an hour.”

“But Giovanni—”

“There’s no time to talk.”

She heard the click and looked at Fausta.

Her sister was smiling. “You ran out on your husband and it didn’t fix anything. Now he’s searching for you. If I were you, I’d take a quick shower, grab a bite to eat and let me drive you back to the airport with your bags.”

“I’m frightened, Fausta.”

“Have a little faith, sister. I’m afraid if you don’t show up with Giovanni, your husband will send reinforcements and it could get uglier than even you dreamed.”

* * *

Enrico checked his watch. Eleven o’clock in the morning. He’d arrived at the camp behind the guys who’d trailed the horses and would take care of them. He waited on his stallion for the sight of Giovanni’s car on the mountain road.

Donetta’s saddled mare stood next to them with the reins in Enrico’s hands. After Donetta arrived, they would ride down to the camp together. It would give him the chance he needed to tell her he would choose her above his kingdom. She was all he wanted.

Earlier this morning, with the help of his sisters, he’d prevailed on his mother to accept his marriage to Donetta, but there’d be no more talk of her ruling equally with him. In his heart Enrico planned that one day he could give Donetta the prize she’d always hoped for. That time would come.

His heart leaped when he saw the blue car round the bend. Giovanni pulled up to the side of the road where Enrico was waiting. Donetta got out of the car. The first thing he saw were those shimmering light green eyes clapped on him in stunned surprise.

“I don’t blame you for wanting to run away, amata. Thank heaven you came back.” He waved to Giovanni, who reciprocated before returning to the city. “Mahbouba is waiting for you.”

“I can’t believe you’re here. Giovanni was so mysterious about where we were going.”

“My cousin was only carrying out my wishes. I couldn’t believe it when you weren’t in our apartment earlier, but all our troubles are over now. Let’s ride.”

Enrico watched her mount with a grace that was thrilling to watch. They started to make their way through the trees. “Tell me something, bellissima. Why didn’t you wait for me?”

His question stunned her. “Surely you must know! I wanted to ease the tension with your mother and decided that getting away from the palace was the only thing to do. I’ve come between you and her in the most terrible way possible and thought it best to give you the spac

e to work things out with her.”

A groan came out of him. “Lia told me what she told you. Don’t you know I couldn’t handle it if you ever left me?”

“But your mother despises me.”

“My mother isn’t your problem, Donetta. Our marriage is all we need to worry about.”

She gripped the reins so tight it hurt her hand. “That’s not true. She’s been hurt so badly it’s killing me.”

“I think we’re talking at cross-purposes here.”

Donetta frowned. “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“Answer me one question. Why did you marry me?”