’s police to put a bodyguard on her the moment she landed. A few minutes ago they confirmed that she had arrived and was picked up by Princess Fausta, who also has security.”

Enrico reeled. That was all he needed to hear. “Thank you for all you’ve done. I should never have left her while I tried to talk sense to Leopold and Mamma. It accomplished nothing.”

“Hold on. I’m coming to your apartment now so we can talk without anyone listening in on our phone conversation.”

By the time his cousin burst into the apartment, Enrico was in agony. The two stared at each other.

“I should never have told Donetta she could share the throne with me, Giovanni. After what I learned tonight, Leo said that the leaders of the cabinet would give me a no-confidence vote if I had her rule with me. It could be the end of my rule, too, and throw our country into utter chaos.”

“You’ll have to listen to them, Enrico. Our country needs you at the helm. The problem is, they’re not ready for a modern world.”

“Apparently not. It isn’t as if I’d proposed changing the rules of succession!”

“The problem is, no wife of a sovereign of Vallefiore has ever shared the throne. It’s never been done.”

“Then something needs to change, Giovanni. We no longer live in the age of dinosaurs.”

“Not changing the rules has kept the monarchy strong.”

“So strong that the cabinet’s rejection and Mamma’s have done irreparable personal damage to my wife. Mamma’s insisting on a divorce, which is out of the question. Donetta married me after I made her the promise that she would rule as queen in her own right.

“It’s something she’s wanted all her life. I thought I could make her dream a reality. As your informant once told you, Donetta stayed single all these years because she wanted to change the laws of Domodossola and be queen.

“When she realized she could never do away with the rules of succession in her country, she grabbed the chance I offered her. I believed I could work a miracle. Donetta trusted me enough that she walked out on Arnaud because of what I could do for her.

“I have to be honest with myself. It may have not been a lie, but my marriage proposal was made on shaky ground and now I’m paying for it. But I’m not about to lose her, because I love her too much. I told Mamma I would never divorce her.”

“How can I help?”

“Giovanni, will you fly to Domodossola right now in the jet and bring her back? I know how her mind works. She’ll tell me she’ll agree to a divorce. Say whatever you have to in order to bring her back with you.”

“I’m on my way, but don’t you want to go?”

“I can’t if I’m going to get everything ready in time. I’ve made plans that I pray will convince her I can’t live without her. When you reach the airport, drive her as far as the road leading down to the waterfall where we had our honeymoon.”

“Good news, cousin. The tent is still there, being guarded. I haven’t had time to see about dismantling it yet. Now I’m glad I haven’t.”

“That makes two of us. I’ll be there waiting.”

“Now you’re talking.”

“When this is over, I’m going to repay you for being the best friend a man could ever hope to have and give you the long vacation you deserve and anything else your heart desires.”

* * *

When the limo reached the palace, Fausta asked the driver to take her around to the side entrance closest to her apartment. Donetta hurried inside with her and they closeted themselves in her bedroom. Before long their parents would hear that Donetta had arrived, but for the time being they were free to talk.

She checked her phone. By now Enrico had to know she’d flown here, but he hadn’t phoned or texted her yet. Still, it was early in the day. All she could do was hope that by her leaving Vallefiore, he’d be free to do what he had to do as crown prince.

“Sit down and talk to me, Donetta. Was it really so terrible with his mother?”

“You can’t imagine. She was unfriendly the first time I was introduced to her at the concorso. It grew worse from that time on. After Lia told me about his talk with her last night, I had to leave.

“I was afraid that the very sight of me was too much for his mother to handle. She was taken by surprise from the very beginning. I love Enrico so terribly and can’t bear it that I’ve come between them.”

“From what you’ve told me, she was already upset because he never wanted to marry Valentina.”

“The whole thing’s a nightmare, Fausta. I’ll give him a divorce if that’s what is needed.” While Donetta stood there with tears gushing down her cheeks, her cell phone rang. “Maybe that’s Enrico—”