“But it might be important.”

“You’re right, but I resent the intrusion.” He reached for his phone before looking at her in surprise. “It’s Lia.”

Donetta got in bed and listened, but she only heard half of the conversation. Before long he turned to her with an almost forbidding expression.

“She’s been with mother for the last two hours. Mamma’s informant told her about my speech this morning. She’s not only livid, but she called an emergency meeting of the most influential members of my cabinet.”

Donetta got out of bed. “Why would she do such a thing?”

“She’s asked them to gather the entire legislature in the next twenty-four hours for an emergency meeting. She’s demanding they call for a vote that will bar you legally from having anything to do with my work as crown prince.”

“Oh, no—” A shiver racked Donetta’s body. “You warned me she would fight it, but to talk to your ministers behind your back...”

“Mamma has gone too far. I’m stymied by her behavior. It simply isn’t like her to make this so ugly. Something’s going on I don’t know about. I’ve got to talk to Giovanni and find out what he knows.”

“Wait, Enrico. You and I need to talk first. Before you do anything, I think you should go to your mother tonight and work things out with her even if it takes all night. This situation on top of her disappointment over Valentina has been too much for her.”

Lines marred his handsome features. “I’m too upset to talk to her right now.”

“But she’s more upset than you and we know why. She’s frightened for your life and is threatened by my presence. I’m sure she believes I’m influencing you to do things you would never do if you hadn’t met me.”

He shook his dark head. “She has no right to be this cruel to you.”

“I agree. You warned me she would be difficult, but I didn’t want to believe you. I don’t understand it when she loves you so much. I’m positive she doesn’t believe I’m worthy of you. Let’s face it. She’s not ready for a daughter-in-law like me. I’m a horsey person who loves to camp out. I arrived on your doorstep and upset her world in one day.

“Instead of a big wedding in the cathedral in front of your countrymen, we married quietly without anyone knowing. Her world has spun out of control. In her mind I’m a terrible person and the cause of her pain.

“You need to spend time with her and listen to her fears. She didn’t know you and I have had a long history. It has shaken her. If she understood more, she’d see why we wanted to get married immediately.

“Help her understand that you’d like to be able to concentrate on the threat to your country if you’re going to make a real difference. Let her see that you would like the woman you married and trust to run the daily affairs while you deal with the criminal elements. She has no idea how much I’d love to help you in any way I can. For both our sakes, please go to her tonight and explain. I’m begging you.”

At first she didn’t think she was getting through to him. But he eventually got up from the bed and started to get dressed. “I’ll go, but I might not be back until morning. Besides talking to her, I’ve got phone calls to make. Don’t wait up for me. I’m so sorry, Donetta.”

“Don’t worry about me, darling. You’re the only person in the world who can fix this.”

“I intend to,” he ground out. “She had no right to hurt you this way. You’re my wife!” he exploded in a savage voice.

“I’m not the one hurt,” she cried even though she was dying inside. But for the first time since she’d flown in to Vallefiore, he wasn’t listening. In the next breath he left the bedroom without holding or kissing her first. For him to do that revealed the depth of his torment.

No sooner had he gone than the landline phone rang. Donetta threw on her robe and rushed over to pick it up. “This is Donetta.”

“Oh, Donetta. It’s Lia. I’m so glad you answered. Are you alone?”

“Yes. Enrico has gone to talk to your mother.”

“That’s good, because I need to talk to you. Can I come to your apartment? I should be there in five minutes.”

“Of course. I’ll be right here waiting.”

Donetta hung up and paced the living room floor until she heard a knock on the outer door.

“Come in, Lia.”

“Forgive me for barging in, but I can’t keep this to myself.” Enrico’s sister hurried inside and sat down on one of the couches, patting a spot so Donetta would sit by her.

“What’s wrong?”

“I overheard my mother talking to our cabinet leader, Leopold, earlier in the small salon. She’s talking about having your marriage annulled because it wasn’t legal under our constitution. I don’t know if she can really do that, but she’s going to try to influence them. Out of respect for our father, they’ll probably listen to her. If that doesn’t work, then she wants Leo to begin divorce proceedings for the two of you.”