“That’s no surprise, but the only way to make this change was to deal with it head on.”

“You certainly did that,” his cousin murmured. “I just wanted to give you a heads-up.”

He clasped Giovanni’s shoulder. “No one ever had a better friend.”

“How’s it going with Donetta?”

“I didn’t know I could be this happy. This afternoon I’m giving her my wedding present.”

“Does she know?”

“Not yet. How’s the woman situation with you? Are you still seeing Celesta?”

“No. That’s over.”

“You sound like the old me. One of these days it’ll be your turn, cousin.”

“You think?”

“I know.”

On his way out of the office he talked to several associates and then hurried to his apartment. He found Donetta on the phone with her sister. A minute later their lunch arrived and he carried the tray to the dining room table so they could eat.

She followed him and he helped her to sit. They were both hungry. “How are your parents?”

“Amazingly well. The news of Lanza’s pregnancy seems to have given them a new lease on life.”

“Don’t you think that seeing you happy has made a difference, too?”

“Of course. They like you very much already.”

“That’s nice to hear.” The baked cod with green beans and potatoes hit the spot. “Just think how thrilled they’ll be when we can tell them the news that we’re expecting our own baby.”

She finished her coffee. “That’s my greatest wish.”

“And mine. In the meantime, let’s take a short drive to the other end of the property. Everything is open to the public except the tennis courts and swimming pool.”

* * *

Enrico had told her he had a surprise for her. Donetta had seen the map that showed the twelve-square-mile Montedoro estate. She was excited as they left the palace in his Jaguar. He drove them along a road behind the palace.

“The estate gardens are breathtaking.”

“Mamma oversees their care and design. Every day she pushes Papà for a walk along the paths. She’s an amazing gardener.”

“I’d love to learn from her.”

Soon she saw a cluster of buildings in the distance, among them a state-of-the-art stable that could probably house a dozen horses. She turned her head to look at him. “Enrico?”

“I see you’ve already guessed my surprise,” he teased.

When he parked in front, she was out of the car in a flash. He caught up to her and took her inside to the fourth stall. Her eyes clapped on a gorgeous dark chocolate brown mare.

“My precious wife, meet Mahbouba. It means beloved in Arabic.”

“I can’t tell you what this means to me,” she whispered and threw her arms around him. “Ever since you told me about the Sanfratellano horses, I’ve dreamed of owning one. In fact when I came for your concorso, I’d planned to arrange to buy one. But everything changed after our campout. I knew I couldn’t trust myself to be with you any longer. She’s really mine?”

“All yours.”