“I’ve had several. When Giovanni phoned me just now, he told me the latest threat against me personally came into the office by an anonymous phone call they couldn’t trace. The timing coincides with those arrests I ordered in Avezzano on the day you flew here.”

“I hope you’ve quadrupled the security surrounding you.”

“Around all of us and now you. We’ve tried to shield my mother, but her palace spies keep her informed. If she brings any of this up during dinner, I wanted you to be prepared.”

“Is this the news you didn’t want to talk about when we left on our honeymoon?”

He nodded. “As you can see, I’m going to have my hands full cracking down on this criminal element. With you governing the normal areas of our government on a day-to-day basis from here on out, I’ll be free to set up and follow through to trap these lowlifes and put them away for good.”

“I know it’s dangerous business, but if anyone can handle it and make a difference, you can.”

“Thank heaven you have confidence in me. Tomorrow we’ll go to my office and I’ll walk you through my schedule of responsibilities, many of which you’ll understand because you’ve been a close observer of your father all your life. There won’t be anything you can’t handle. I know in my gut you’re going to be a great ruler.”

She stared hard at him, as if mystified. “Why do you have so much faith in me?”

Because Giovanni had made him party to a very important secret and Enrico loved her enough to help her succeed at something she’d wanted all her life.

“I’ve observed your strength for years. You have a natural leadership ability along with a softness that sets you apart from everyone else. The way you’ve handled my mother so far has been masterful.”

“In that case we’d better be on time.”

His half smile melted her bones. “She knows we’re still on our honeymoon and will forgive us if we’re a few minutes late.”

“But she’ll like me better if I don’t find ways to detain you when she wants your attention.”

He chuckled. “You’re sounding like an intuitive queen already. When I first saw you astride your horse Luna, you sat like a young queen. I was mesmerized by a ten-year-old girl who had an astounding bearing and command of her horse.

“During the jumping, your composure was flawless. You weren’t like any other girl, Donetta, and my impression of you never changed that you were someone exceptional. I couldn’t wait to see you again at the next concorso, and the next.”

Her gaze didn’t leave his. “You’ve left me speechless.”

He kissed her and they clung before he pulled her to her feet and they left to walk to the small dining room in the other part of the palace. This time his mother was already seated at the table next to his father, waiting for them. King Nuncio’s casted lower arm was in a sling. His caregiver was helping him eat. Enrico’s heart went out to him.

“Your Majesty.” Donetta curtsied to him and then bowed to the queen. “Your Majesty, I’m so sorry His Majesty fell. How hard that must’ve been for him and you. We came back the minute we learned what had happened.”

“You were away much longer than I had anticipated.” Her wintry tone couldn’t have been more deflating.

“You’re only given one honeymoon in life, Mamma. We wanted to make it last as long as possible.”

Enrico kissed his parents before seating Donetta next to him. The staff served them dinner and poured coffee. He waited until they’d left the dining room to talk.

“To be honest, we had the honeymoon of a lifetime and couldn’t bear to come back.”

The queen’s eyes riveted on him were closer to black than brown. “At least you came back. There’s been another death threat on your life, figlio mio.”

“Giovanni has already informed me, but it’s nothing new.”

“You’re entirely too cavalier about it. When I learned the two of you have been camping out instead of flying to another country, I couldn’t believe you’d left yourselves open as targets.”

“I understand your fear, and I’m afraid that’s my fault,” Donetta spoke up. “Enrico asked me where I’d like to go. We share a lot of the same interests and love being in the mountains.”

“But that’s not the proper kind of honeymoon for you.”

“It was what we both wanted, Mamma, and we’ve never been so happy. Just so you know, I’ll be spending all day tomorrow and evening with Donetta. If there’s anything I can do for you or Papà before morning, I’ll be happy to do it now.”

“As a matter of fact there are several things we need to discuss.”

“I totally understand you two have missed each other and want to talk,” Donetta spoke up. “I have some phone calls to make to my sisters, so why don’t I leave you now. We’ll see each other later, Enrico.”