She looped her arms around his neck. “I didn’t know I could be this happy.”

“Tell me about it.” Enrico was so enamored of her he picked her up and carried her back to the tent. They couldn’t remove their suits fast enough before falling into bed in a conflagration of need.

Darkness had fallen before Enrico had mercy on her and brought her dinner in bed. Once they’d eaten their fill of meat pies prepared in the palace kitchen, they lay on their sides feeding each other grapes and almonds until they were gone.

She smiled into his eyes. “You’ve spoiled me so terribly I’ve become a lovesick wanton and I’m afraid you’ll get tired of me.”

He growled against her throat. “If you can think that, then you’re in for the surprise of your life.” She’d fast become his addiction. He started to make love to her with an almost primitive need that led to another delirious night of ecstasy for both of them.


WHEN LIGHT ENTERED the tent, Donetta awakened first and lay there studying her painfully handsome husband. Between Enrico’s black hair and olive skin, he looked like a god. This morning he had a five o’clock shadow. She rubbed her cheek against his jaw, adoring the feel of it.

He was such a manly man. As she’d always thought, he was a dishy hunk. There weren’t enough adjectives to describe what his looks did to her and the way he made her feel. That first miraculous kiss he’d given her when she was sixteen had been a precursor to what had happened to her during the night.

She let out a sigh of sheer exultation and stretched, unaware Enrico had opened his eyes and was watching her intently. His lips curved upward. “What was that little sound about, tesora?”

“You’re beholding a contented wife in every sense of the word.”

“Only contented?” he asked in his deep voice.

“If I told you the whole truth, it would make you blush.”

“This is getting better and better.” In the next breath he gave her a long, deep kiss. When he finally lifted his head, he said, “Before I do anything else, I’m going to shave.”

“You don’t have to. I’ve been lying here enjoying the look and feel of your beard.”

“I adore you for saying that, but you’ll like me better without it. When I’ve finished, shall we go fishing this morning?”

She blinked. “You mean there are fish in the pool?”

“I make sure our lakes and streams are filled. We’ll catch ourselves some mouthwatering trout and cook them on the grill outside the tent. Anglers prefer them.”

“You’re kidding—trout? I can’t wait!”

The laughter she loved poured out of him as he got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. She scurried over to her suitcase for a pair of white shorts and a sleeveless print blouse. By the time Enrico emerged clean-shaven and dressed in shorts, she was ready.

He found some fishing poles and a tackle box, and they headed outside into a world of brilliant, hot sunshine. “I’ll get the grill heating up first. Then we’ll walk halfway around the pool, where the fish congregate in a deep hole.”

The next hour turned into a world of enchantment for Donetta. Trying to imitate his expertise as a superior fly fisherman, she managed to catch a couple of ten-inchers. Enrico, of course, brought in several that were a foot long each.

“Few people come to this pool to fish, so they’ve grown large.”

“This is so much fun I can’t stand it!”

Thrilled with their catch, she helped him clean them on the shore. He found a stick to carry them and they walked back around to the grill. The divine smell of trout cooking filled the air. Once the fish were ready, they had a feast inside the tent along with more melon, rolls and fresh coffee, brewed from a coffee maker that Giovanni had thoughtfully provided.

“Never in my life have I been so happy, or enjoyed a meal more than this, Enrico.” Her eyes filled with tears. “Thank you, darling, for this wonderful honeymoon.”

“It’s a long way from over, cara. We’ve only just begun. Maybe tomorrow, if I can stand to take you away from our bed for a few hours, we’ll hike above the waterfall. You’ll see sights you won’t believe. I want you to learn to love my country.”

She got up and slid her arms around his shoulders, leaning over to kiss the side of his face. “It’s mine, too, now, and I already do.”

He pulled her onto his lap and grew sober for a moment. “I’m sorry my mother treated you the way she did.”

“Please don’t worry about it. Don’t you think I understand? If anything, I worry you were hurt when she told you she wouldn’t allow the coronation to take place.”

“I’m not hurt about that, Donetta. My father is still alive. As long as he draws breath, he’s still the king. But that doesn’t change my plan for you and me to rule equally. I don’t need to be crowned to put my wishes into action. The truth is, I’m going to need your help even more than I had anticipated.”