“Did you honestly think our marriage would be in name only?” he fired. “The only reason I said it was because I was afraid if I told you how I really felt, you might feel I wasn’t telling the truth after five years’ absence.

“But that’s history now. No more thinking, amata. I love you and want you. After our campout, I know you want me, too.”

“I’ve never been able to hide anything from you. Oh, Enrico—you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this, dying inside because I feared it would never happen. Love me, darling, and never stop.”

She didn’t need to worry about that. He carried her to the huge bed with its silk coverings and cushions, then followed her down. It was heaven to be able to plunge his hands into her silvery gold hair and kiss every inch of her.

Their mouths took over, exhibiting the fire and hunger that had been building since her arrival in Vallefiore for the concorso. No longer needing to hold back, they began the age-old ritual of bringing each other unimaginable pleasure.

Throughout the night and into the morning they experienced pure rapture, but now she was asleep with their legs tangled. Donetta was the most giving, loving woman a man could ask for. And she was so gorgeous in every way it hurt to look at her.

Even at ten years of age, he’d felt her pull on him. Every year after that she had grown more beautiful and haunted his dreams. There’d been too many years of separation. They would still be apart if she hadn’t found the courage to fly back to him. He marveled that she’d been so strong.

It was that strength of character he’d admired so much after meeting her years ago. Now she was his wife and their long wait was finally over. The knowledge that she loved him filled him with a surfeit of emotion. He couldn’t help pulling her closer, causing her eyes to open.

“Good morning, mia sposa.”

She smiled. “How long have you been awake?”

He traced the singing line of her mouth with his finger. “Long enough to want to make love to you all over again.”

“I was just dreaming about you. I need you to kiss me or I won’t be able to bear it.”

On a groan of pleasure he fulfilled her wishes as they tried to satisfy their insatiable desire for each other. Enrico hadn’t thought it possible to live on love, but his wedding night with Donetta had transformed his vision of what it was like to be married to the right woman.

An hour later she eased out of his arms and reached for the robe she’d put at the side of the bed. “I’m going to look in the coolers and serve you breakfast in bed.”

“I don’t need food.”

“Oh, yes, you do. Stay right there. I love that picture of you tangled in the sheets like my own drop-dead gorgeous Ali Pasha of Vallefiore. I’m your captive slave, eager to grant you your slightest desire. After watching you at brunch, I happen to know you love golden honeydew melon.”

He watched her open the cooler and pull one out. After she cut it, she brought two big slices on a plate for them to eat. Enrico took a bite of one and couldn’t stop. “It’s almost as delicious as you are.”

“I’ll be right back.” When she returned, she’d brought croissants filled with ham and cheese, plus two bottles of blood orange juice.

They ate and drank their fill befor

e he moved the plates to the floor. With a wicked smile he said, “Get back in bed with me.”

“You mean you’re not satisfied yet?” she teased.

“Are you, Your Highness?”

She removed her robe and slid in bed next to him. “I guess you’ll have to find out.”

Enrico caught her to him, so madly in love with her he didn’t know how he’d existed this long without her. It wasn’t until much later when he told her he wanted to go swimming with her. “I brought a bikini for you, but whether you wear it or not is your choice.” He grinned.

“I think with the amount of security guarding us, I’ll play it safe. As for you...” She rolled her eyes and slipped out of bed to get ready.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her. “Both our suits are in the silver suitcase, cara.”

She opened it and tossed him the black trunks before she disappeared behind the curtain that hid the makeshift bathroom. He took advantage of the time to put them on.

When she emerged in the black bikini he’d chosen for her, he let out a wolf whistle that drove her straight out of the tent, laughing. He was right behind her and welcomed the hot sun before running into the pool of water to catch up with her. But she was fast and an excellent swimmer. Her athleticism made her exciting to be with.

They played at the base of the waterfall for an hour. When they were both worn out with water fights, he pulled her from the pool and they lay down on the sand to soak up the sun. In time it got hot enough he started to worry about her.

“I think we should go in or you’re going to get a sunburn. We can’t have that. Come on.” He helped her to her feet and led her into the water so they could wash off the sand.