Lia had picked a dress without a long train. It was the perfect choice. Donetta hadn’t wanted anything extravagant like Lanza’s gown. She wasn’t getting married in the cathedral with the whole country her audience. There’d be no press release, no fanfare, no family in attendance.

Once she’d hung the dress in the closet, she undid all the packages including the hose and white shoes. Lia had excellent taste. Donetta loved everything the princess had bought for her.

After getting ready for bed she climbed under the covers, recalling her father’s words. I’ll be damned. I didn’t think there was a man alive who could win my daughter’s love to the point she would do anything to be with him.

That was exactly what Donetta had done, because Enrico was her heart’s desire, even if he didn’t love her back in the same way.

Tears trickled out of the corners of her eyes.

You can’t have everything you want, Donetta. But half a loaf is better than marrying the wrong man.

* * *

When Enrico knocked on Donetta’s door at eight in the morning, he was stunned by the sight of her in the white wedding dress that fit her so well it could have been made for her. He kissed her cheek. She smelled like roses. Beneath her lace mantilla, those light green eyes seemed illuminated. Frosted pink lipstick glistened on her beautiful mouth.

“Whether you know it or not, you’re the most gorgeous princess on the planet.”

“Thank you,” she answered, sounding slightly breathless.

“Are you ready to become my bride?”

The smile he remembered from years ago answered his question. “What do you think? You’re very handsome in that white dress suit and blue sash. The personification of a perfect prince.”

“Grazie, but no one cares about the groom. This is your day. I intend to be the best husband I can be to you.”

“I’ll do everything in my power to be the queen you’re hoping for.”

“You’ll be exceptional. Shall we leave for the chapel?”

“Yes, unless you’re hungry and need to eat first. There are rolls and fruit on the table.”

“I can’t eat. I’m too excited to marry you. The limo is waiting out in the back to take us to the chapel.”

She reached for the white satin clutch bag that Lia had thoughtfully bought to go with the gown and left the room with him. They descended the staircase and walked down a hall past some shocked guests to the rear entrance, where he helped her into the limo.

During the drive to the chapel they sat across from each other. The smoky glass prevented onlookers from seeing them seated on the inside.

He smiled at her. “Everyone recognizes the hood ornament’s royal crest. By the time we drive back to the hotel, our wedding will no longer be a secret.”

She nodded. “I’m tired of secrets.”

“We were partners in crime and got away with it for years. Once we’re married, we’ll never have to worry about it again.”

“Except that we’re committing the worst crime of all by merging a modern-day Montague with a Capulet.”

“It won’t be a crime once I’m king, bellissima. I’ve already laid the groundwork to investigate what really happened two hundred years ago. When I have evidence, I’ll show it to your father. It’ll be my gift to him for allowing me to marry his daughter.”

Donetta’s eyes misted over. “I’m only sorry your father doesn’t realize his son is being married this morning.”

“Maybe when we have brunch with him and announce our news, he’ll know somehow. One look at you and he’ll wonder why it took me so long.”

“I’m still worried about your mother’s reaction, Enrico.”

“She’ll recover. We just have to give her time. Right now I’m ready to take the biggest step of my life with the woman who caught my eye all those years ago.”

The limo slowed to a stop. “We’ve arrived outside the private entrance to the chapel. Once we walk inside, there’s no going back. Any second thoughts?”

She stared into his eyes. “None.”