“Was it horrible, Fausta?”

“The second I came back from the airport Mamma called me to come to their sitting room. They knew something serious was going on. After I explained that you’d always been in love with Enrico and he’d wanted to marry you but thought it was hopeless, she sobbed and Papà’s eyes watered.

“He thought for a minute and then said, ‘I’ll be damned. I didn’t think there was a man alive who could win my daughter’s love to the point she would do anything to be with him.’”

“He said that?” Donetta cried in shock and surprise.

“Cross my heart. If you want my opinion, I don’t think he was that upset when I told him everything. He knows you weren’t in love with Arnaud.”

Donetta wiped the moisture off her face. She realized her father had pressed her to marry Arnaud because he didn’t want her to go through life alone. Deep down she knew that and loved him for it. “Oh, Fausta—”

“Whatever they talked about after that was in private. But when I told Mamma about your history with Enrico, she was amazed when I told her that I saw for myself that the two of you were in love.”

“I’m sure that came as a shock.”

“Papà seems in surprisingly good spirits. Especially when I told him what you said about Enrico planning to have the problem of the old feud investigated and put to rest. He and Mamma have been in their apartment ever since. Honestly, I think everything is going to be all right.”

“Only because you were there to intervene for me. I love you so much, Fausta.”

“I love you, too, and I was talking to Lanza earlier about everything. She said that after what she and Stefano went through when Alberto died before they found happiness together, they both agree it won’t be long before Arnaud is going to be thankful for what you did.

“He’s been spared a life of unhappiness. Stefano will tell you himself that what you did today was a courageous act he admired, even if it caused pain at the time.”

Her phone was dripping wet. “Thank you for telling me that.”

“Both Lanza and I are overjoyed you’re going to marry Enrico.”

“Your support means everything to me. I know you’re both going to be crazy about him when you get acquainted with him. Fausta? If there’s an opportunity, will you let the parents know we’ll be phoning them in the morning, unless you think tonight would be better.”

“I think tom

orrow will be fine,” Fausta answered. “It’ll give Mamma time to warm to the idea that when Enrico is crowned king of Vallefiore, you’ll be the queen. Know what I mean?”

Donetta knew exactly what she meant. She’d become a real queen in her own right once she married Enrico. But all she wanted was her husband’s love.

A knock on the door brought her to her feet. “I’ll talk to you soon. Buona notte.”

She dashed to the door and threw it open. Enrico’s black eyes searched hers. “How did it go?”

“Much better than I could have hoped for.”

“Grazie a Dio. I want to stay with you all night, but Mamma has her own news sources. Giovanni told me word has reached her that the royal jet from Domodossola flew in and you are staying here at the hotel. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had already put her own construction on everything.”

She sucked in her breath. “Anything is possible.”

“For that reason I’m going to go back to the palace for the night, but I’ll be here first thing in the morning. We’ll grab a quick breakfast and head for the chapel. When it’s over, we’ll come back here to change clothes and talk to your parents. Afterward we’ll brunch with my parents before we leave on our honeymoon.”

Enrico reached for her and gave her a warm kiss on her lips, his first demonstration of affection, but it wasn’t like that morning when they’d watched the wild horses.

“You know I don’t want to leave when there’s so much to talk about. That’s why our wedding needs to happen tomorrow. I don’t want to give my mother time to come up with a reason to delay our wedding. Knowing her feelings, she would try.”

Donetta nodded and followed him to the door of her suite. “I’ll see you in the morning. Come early,” she begged.

“You don’t need to tell me that.” He kissed her cheek before striding swiftly down the hall on those long, powerful legs.

She couldn’t wait for morning to come. Realizing she was getting married in about eight hours, she took out the wedding dress to inspect it. The Italian-designed gown had a simplicity Donetta loved. She held it up to her in front of the floor-length mirror of her hotel bedroom.

The dreamy white A-line gown in chiffon and alençon lace featured cap sleeves under lacy short sleeves and a scalloped scoop neckline. Bands of lace appliques adorned the skirt that swept the floor. On her head she would wear a shoulder length alençon lace mantilla.