“Don’t ask. It no longer matters.”

Donetta had made two fatal mistakes. Both were the result of losing sight of her goal to be queen in her own right and never taking a husband. But that logic had been fatally flawed from the beginning since it had ruled out children. Just now, when she’d mentioned them in the context of having a family, she knew she wanted children more than anything.

Looking back, she saw that her reason for coming to Vallefiore had been wrong because she’d been hurt by her perception of Enrico’s rejection and had wanted answers as to why he didn’t love her. Though he’d told her he’d been busy taking on the burdens of his father, if he’d truly loved her, she was convinced he would have found a way to see her long before now.

He’d always taken first place in every international competition from ten to eighteen. After lying in his arms this morning as his kisses brought her rapture, she realized he still held that place in her heart. But he couldn’t tell her he was in love with her. It just wasn’t meant to be.

If she didn’t marry Arnaud, she knew she’d stay single for the rest of her life. That meant she’d never have children. One thing she did know was this: if nothing else, children would bring both her and Arnaud happiness.

The time would come when Arnaud would be king of Haute Vienne, with Donetta at his side. By tomorrow night, both sets of parents would be overjoyed to find out she and Arnaud had made official plans to marry, particularly when her father was ill. He wanted to see her settled.

You’re going to get your wish, Papà.


DONETTA WAS SO deep in thought she didn’t realize that Enrico had turned into the parking area of a charming café.

“You’ve been so quiet. I hope everything’s all right,” he said as he helped her out of the car.

“I’m fine, thank you.”

They ate lunch on the terrace with its many flowering pots and trees. Clients and waiters alike recognized the crown prince, but they kept their distance with his security men keeping watch. That didn’t prevent every woman in sight from staring at him with longing in their eyes, wishing they were with him instead of Donetta.

Once they’d finished their delicious meal, he helped her back into the Land Rover and they continued on to the palace in Saracene. He drove them to the entrance and helped her to the suite with her suitcase.

“I have to go, but I’ll be back in fifteen minutes to take you to the airport.” He was out the door in an instant.

This was goodbye. Somehow she had to pull herself together and get ready for the flight. After a quick shower, she dressed in her pink suit and did her makeup in record time.

Too soon she heard the knock on the door. She grabbed her purse and suitcase before answering it. Enrico had also changed and stood there in a tan summer suit with a white shirt open at the neck. No man in this world looked as marvelous as he did.

“Let’s go.” He reached for her suitcase and they left the palace for the limo parked outside the steps. They sat opposite each other en route to the airport.

“While we’re alone, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”

“Of course.” She dreaded leaving him and couldn’t imagine what was on his mind.

“This is just between us. The fact is, I too am hoping to get married in the near future.”

She’d never been so shocked in her life, or in so much pain. So there had been another woman! But Donetta couldn’t be upset with him for kissing her when she’d willingly succumbed to him.

Donetta kneaded her hands, not able to look at him. “Only hoping?”

“This princess isn’t free to marry me.”

Her head reared. “Why not?”

“Because she’s su

pposed to marry another man. But I happen to know she’s not in love with him.”

What? “Does she know you want to marry her?”


“Why not?”

“What I have to ask of her will demand a lot since our marriage will be in name only.”