“Almost as breathtaking as you.” Without worrying about the bodyguards, he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him. Her mouth was even more luscious than he’d remembered. He wanted her more than any woman he’d ever been with in his life.


The way she said his name and kissed him back told him she’d been hungering for this, too. Unable to stop, he crushed her to him and began to devour her in earnest.

No longer aware of their surroundings, they were on fire for each other. They lost trac

k of time, trying to assuage their needs. He was on the verge of telling her he was in love with her when the ringing of her phone penetrated the silence.

“Oh, no—”

Donetta groaned and pulled out of his arms. “I forgot to phone Arnaud and let him know when I’d be back.” She struggled to her feet and hurried over to her sleeping bag to get it.

Enrico stayed put to give her privacy while he looked out over the plain. By now the horses had disappeared for the day, along with a moment he would treasure forever. But that moment wouldn’t be the last because more than ever Enrico was determined to marry her and intended to carry out his original plan before she left Vallefiore.

* * *

Donetta grabbed her phone. Seeing Arnaud’s name on the caller ID filled her with fresh guilt. She was shaking so much she sank down on her sleeping bag so she wouldn’t fall. She’d promised to phone him but had forgotten.

Watching the wild horses running in the early morning had been a breathtaking moment with Enrico that she would never forget. Right now, she was so confused that she couldn’t face talking to Arnaud. She would have to call him later.

The second she made that decision, she phoned the pilot and the plan was made for her and her group to fly home at four thirty. With that done, she clicked off and noticed Enrico had packed everything in the Land Rover but her sleeping bag.

She got to her feet and carried it and the pillow to the car. He put it in the back while she climbed in the front seat. Her watch said twelve thirty—too late to make other plans for the day.

“Are you ready for a swim in the pool beneath the waterfall?”

Donetta shook her head. “I’d love to, but after talking to the pilot, I don’t think we have the time.” She didn’t dare be alone with Enrico or she’d never want to go home. “When we get back to the palace, I need to contact my staff and make certain everyone is on the other plane by four thirty.”

“I’ll admit I’m disappointed, but I understand.” He started the car and they left for the city. “Because of time constraints, we’ll stop at the village we passed at the base of the mountains and eat lunch. There’s a café with the best crocchè and involtini di pesca spada you’ve ever tasted. But if you don’t care for swordfish, they serve stuffed sardines with pine nuts that are delicious.”

“It all sounds wonderful. This whole outing has been out of this world.”

Before coming to Vallefiore, Donetta had planned on buying a horse from Enrico’s country. That was impossible now. To get any more involved with Enrico would be a grave mistake on every level. He hadn’t told her he loved her, let alone asked her to marry him. She’d hoped, prayed it would happen. But since those words had never passed his lips, this had to be the last time she would ever see him.

“Donetta? Why did you honestly come to Vallefiore?”

“Because you were my teenage crush I never got over. Our relationship has been like reading a book I never finished and never knew how it ended until this morning when you kissed me and I kissed you back.

“I’m not sorry for sleeping out with you and kissing you. I wanted it. But we both know that book is now closed, never to be opened again.”

She now knew why he’d gotten her to fly here. He’d wanted to explain why their relationship hadn’t been able to work out. Now it was her turn to explain something to him. “I plan to be Arnaud’s wife soon and he has to know I will always be faithful to him.”

“You’ll marry him even though you’re not in love with him?”

His honesty took her aback. “I never said that.”

“You didn’t have to.”

Enrico didn’t mince words. He’d apologized for what had gone wrong years ago, but he wasn’t in love with her.

Donetta cleared her throat. “I’m hoping love will come and hopefully children.”

“What about pleasing yourself?” Donetta didn’t expect that question and started to feel uncomfortable. “If you could have your heart’s desire, what would it be?”

She stifled a moan. “I’ve given up on that dream.”

“You had a dream?”