“The performance is about to start, Enrico.”

Donetta got the impression he’d infuriated his mother.

“There’s still time.”

He cupped Donetta’s elbow and introduced her to his sisters, one of whom was pregnant, and their husbands. The four of them were gracious and smiled, making her feel better. Then he helped her take her place next to him while he sat by the queen.

His cousin Prince Giovanni took over the microphone to announce the opening of the concorso, and the competition began.

Watching the young entrants for the next two hours took Donetta back in time. But as each age division performed, she realized no participant displayed Enrico’s outstanding horsemanship. Year after year, he’d been the master she’d hero-worshipped.

But leaving for university had prevented him from entering any more horse competitions for his country. Once Donetta had finished college, her father had asked her to run their country’s horse federation.

When there was a break in events, Enrico leaned closer. “Your country’s participants are exceptional, but no one rides the way you did,” he said in a low voice.

“I was thinking the same thing about you.”

“That’s nice to hear. Walk with me to the other canopy, where we’ll be served lunch before the jumping competitions start. If you need to freshen up, there are restrooms behind the canopy.”

“That’s good to know, but I’m fine right now, thank you.”

Everyone in the stand followed them to the tables. Donetta expected Enrico to help his mother, but she noticed one of her sons-in-law had already started to escort the queen. Donetta was being given special treatment and knew his mother had to be close to apoplectic that she’d dared come to Vallefiore.

Once Enrico had helped her to sit at an individual table and took a chair opposite her, she couldn’t stay silent any longer. “Enrico? When there are officials from other countries represented here, why are you showing me this exceptional kind of interest? Your attention to me is like a slap in the face to your mother.”

She had to wait for his answer because the palace staff had already started to serve them lunch and iced tea before they could have privacy. There was only a certain amount of time to eat in order to stay with the day’s agenda.

“Because years ago you and I were attracted to each other and planned to take a vacation together. Unfortunately that didn’t work out. But you have to know I’ve always wanted you to be my guest. To my chagrin, life happened when I had other plans. Up to now, problems have been the story of my life.” His frank speaking melted her heart.

No one knew that better than Donetta, whose royal responsibilities were forcing her to consider marriage to Arnaud. Her last visit to Haute Vienne hadn’t helped her make up her mind. She still hadn’t been able to tell him she’d marry him. But she’d promised that after this trip to Vallefiore, she would give him an answer one way or the other.

Enrico’s dark eyes bored into hers, sending a thrill through her body. “The damn fraud case that caused our two countries to cease all business was never proven and should have ended years ago. Under my reign I intend to have it investigated and solve the mystery so I can reopen negotiations with your father.”

Was the feud the reason he’d cut off relations with her? “That would be so wonderful, Enrico.”

“I agree. Even more important, it’s a miracle you’re here at all. I couldn’t have been more excited when Giovanni told me you had accepted our invitation.”

Everything he was saying to her now had resurrected her old feelings of desire for him while she enjoyed the exquisite seafood salad. “I have to admit I was excited to come to the country that produced your magnificent horse Rajah and hopefully see you again in your own surroundings. We used to talk a lot about each other’s lives.”

“Being with you was always the highlight of my trips to those competitions,” he confessed.

She had to suppress a moan. “I felt the same way.” Clearly, they’d both been crazy about each other despite knowing it was wrong, but destiny had kept them apart.

“Donetta?” His voice broke in on her tumultuous thoughts. “It’s time to go back to the stand. Are you ready?”

“I am. The lunch was delicious. Thank you.” She stood up and followed him over to their seats behind Giovanni, who was ready to announce the afternoon’s activities. All the while she felt the queen’s hostile brown gaze on her.

The jumping trials were her favorite discipline to watch, but her mind was so full of Enrico and their conversation she had a hard time concentrating. At the end of the day Giovanni made the announcement that the crown prince himself would give out the awards.

Donetta’s gaze stayed glued on the gorgeous acting king as he stood before the awestruck winners and honored each of them with their cups. One young man from Domodossola won a first place in the sixteen-year-olds’ division. Though she was excited for him, it was Enrico who filled her vision.

Her heart thudded when she realized she wouldn’t be flying back home until tomorrow evening. For once she didn’t have to say goodbye to Enrico. He’d planned for them to spend the night and next day together.

In the past she’d always walked to the stables to talk to her country’s participants and see their horses firsthand, but not today. Enrico wanted to get going and not waste time.

Luckily, Donetta always brought several changes of casual outfits. Since Enrico was taking her camping, she had a choice of pants and blouses to wear and decided on her tan pants and hunter green blouse.

After talking to Giovanni and congratulating him on supervising such an out