Donetta could have told him as much. Her father had hoped his new son-in-law would take over a lot of the responsibilities of governing, but Prince Stefano was a gold mining engineer. He’d brought much-needed funds to his country of Umbriano in the Alps, and now to their Kingdom of Domodossola on the French-Swiss-Italian border.

Marrying her younger sister Lanza hadn’t changed what he did for a living, even though he tried to give their father as much of his time as he could when he was home.

“So why don’t you lean on me while he’s gone?” Donetta knew her plea would fall on deaf ears, but she said it anyway.

Her dream had always been to rule Domodossola on her own when her father no longer could, but the law of succession didn’t allow a woman to rule. She’d been forced to give that dream up a long time ago.

“I can manage the latest contracts on the timber we’re shipping to Umbriano.” Among her college courses she’d taken finance and accounting.

He shook his head. “You’re sweet, but I’ve got Giulio working on them.” Except that their financial advisor was eighty-two and had started making mistakes.

She finished her coffee. “In that case, I’ll ask you to excuse me while I go to my office.”

“Don’t leave yet,” her father said unexpectedly. “Your mother and I have something vital to discuss with you.”

She lowered her head. That could mean only one thing. Marriage. What else? How many times in her life had they brought it up to her!

“We’ve received half a dozen invitations from Prince Arnaud’s family, asking that you’ll spend time with them. Just last week another request came from the royal family pleading with all of us to visit their estate at Haute Vienne. It’s time. You can’t avoid it any longer!”

“Please take this seriously, Donetta,” her mother begged her. “When they came to Lanza’s wedding in January, Prince Arnaud spoke to your father and me in private. Since being with you in Paris while Fausta was there, traveling with your Zia Ottavia, he’s most anxious for the betrothal to take place. The man is entranced by you, darling. You have to do something about it!”

“I’m not ready yet, Mamma.” She’d found Arnaud attractive and realized that she appealed to him. But in her heart of hearts she knew that Arnaud wasn’t in love with her any more than she was with him. If he weren’t a royal, he would be free to choose the woman he desired.

“You said that to us a year ago, darling. Arnaud has been very patient,” her mother declared. “He told me he’s never wanted to marry anyone else since he met you.”

“It’s true,” Fausta interjected. “Arnaud couldn’t take his eyes off you.”

Maybe so, but Fausta knew where Donetta’s true heart lay and was angry at Enrico for dropping her sister.

The one man who’d stayed away five years.

Donetta loved Fausta for being so loyal and listening to her while she’d suffered over that first year after the letters stopped coming. At first she’d imagined Enrico’s family had learned about the letters and his liaison with a Rossiano. In their fury, they’d demanded he break things off immediately.

Whatever the explanation, that had been the blackest, bleakest time in her life and only in the last year had she managed to pull out of the pain. There had been recent rumors that Enrico would be getting engaged to Valentina. What chance did Donetta have at this point? It had taken her a long time to realize that in the end Enrico had stopped loving her. What a stupid, foolish fool she’d been to keep him alive in her heart all this time!

As she’d told him in Madrid a month ago when he’d shown up out of the blue, they’d had their fun living in a dream. But that period when they’d ignored the fact that they were both promised to other people was long since over. Seeing him again had given her the closure she’d needed even if he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring yet.

“I find Arnaud very handsome and know he’s successful,” her mother continued reciting his virtues, breaking into Donetta’s tortured thoughts. “We all know how well thought of he is in his country and what a wonderful husband he will make you. Your Zia Ottavia thinks he’s perfect for you.”

Her aunt’s opinion held a lot of sway with her mother.

Suddenly her father sat forward. “It’s past time you got married, Donetta.” His no-nonsense voice shook as he said it. With his heart condition, Donetta worried when he got thi

s upset. “To think our youngest is already married, yet our oldest is still single. It isn’t right. This silliness about you not being ready for marriage has gone too far and has to stop.”

“Please consider what we’re saying.” Her mother got up from the chair and put a hand on her shoulder. “Arnaud will be coming to Domodossola tomorrow. He says it’s on business, but we all know the real reason. He’s so eager to see you. Will you allow him to call on you tomorrow evening? I’ll plan a special dinner.”

Her mother never knew when to give up. She took a deep breath. “Do you really like him, Papà?”

He stared at her without blinking. “Of course I do! I’ve been planning on your marriage for a long time. We’ve known and liked his parents for many years, too. I’m very impressed with his sincerity. You’ve had many suitors, but I honestly believe he’ll make you a wonderful companion you can love and trust.”

Her mother hugged her. “All we ask is that you give him the chance to spend more time with you.”

“Amen,” her father asserted.

Resigned that her parents weren’t going to stop pressuring her, Donetta got up from the table. “Since it’s so important to you, go ahead and invite him to dinner, but I can’t promise anything.”

“I believe something wonderful will come of it,” her father reminded her.