A TRUMPET SOUNDED, followed by the voice of the announcer.

“This year’s winner in the sixteen-year-olds’ jumping and dressage, in the junior division of the Emerian concorso, is Princess Donetta Rossiano of the country of Domodossola. Congratulations to this unparalleled equestrian and her horse, Blaze!”

Everyone in the crowd clapped with enthusiasm.

“She has been the reigning international champion in these events since her first appearance at the Windsor concorso, when she was ten years old and accompanied by her father, King Victor of Domodossola. Today she’s accompanied by her trainer, her father’s cousin, Prince Lorenzo, a world-famous equestrian in his own right.”

There was more clapping.

“And now Her Royal Highness, Queen Anne of Emeria, will present the winner’s cup.”

Donetta was overjoyed to have won, but she was even more excited to receive her prize from the queen. The elegant young monarch was so lucky to be born in a country where she could be queen.

Being the eldest of three daughters, Donetta had always dreamed of being queen of Domodossola one day. Somehow she would make it happen. Even if the law didn’t allow women to rule, she was determined to find a way to get it changed.

Prince Lorenzo stood next to her. “You deserved to win the overall championship because you’re the best! I knew you would do it. Too bad your family couldn’t be here. They would be very proud.”

“Thanks, Lorenzo, but I’m glad you’re here. You’re the expert who taught me how to ride. You deserve a prize, too.” Lorenzo had won many awards in concorsos throughout his youth.

Donetta was secretly thrilled he’d come. Lorenzo, who also served as her chaperone on these trips, always gave her the freedom to have fun at the different concorsos without following her around, something she needed badly today.

“If Princess Donetta will please come forward to the dais.”

“Go claim your well-deserved prize,” Lorenzo whispered.

A round of applause accompanied her walk to the table, where pictures were taken of her with the queen. When Queen Anne handed Donetta the cup, she whispered, “You’re the most outstanding female rider I’ve ever seen, Princess Donetta. I expect to hear of more exciting victories on that remarkable horse.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. This is a great privilege for me.”

Donetta could only imagine doing this same thing for a young rider one day when she was queen.

She carried the engraved silver cup back to her spot in line with Lorenzo, treasuring the moment.

Another trumpet sounded, followed by the next announcement.

“This year’s male winner in the sixteen-year-old division is a name we’ve been applauding since he first rode his horse at the Windsor concorso at the age of ten. Prince E

nrico of the country of Vallefiore, riding his horse, Rajah! If you’ll come forward to the dais, Queen Anne will present your international winner’s cup.”

* * *

The prince stood next to his first cousin Prince Giovanni. Giovanni had lost his parents in a plane crash, and after introducing him to Donetta, Enrico explained that his parents had taken over raising Giovanni. He lived at the palace with Enrico and his family. The two were like brothers and did everything together. Donetta had liked Giovanni immediately.

As her gaze riveted on Enrico, he flashed her a glance that said he was equally excited to see her and be with her again. They had plans when this was over. If her fifteen-year-old sister Fausta were here, she would say he was so dreamy he looked like a movie star.

He was more than dreamy.

Six years ago the prince had caught Donetta’s ten-year-old eye when she’d first watched him perform at Windsor in his division. Even at the age of ten, he’d been a little taller and stronger than the other male contestants of his age. With his olive skin and dark hair, he’d definitely been the best looking.

Back then she’d noticed everything about him, from his penetrating black-fringed eyes to his outstanding performance on his splendid black horse, Malik. She’d envied the way the two were so tuned in to each other; it was as if they were one.

To Donetta’s surprise, Enrico had sought her out after the prizes had been awarded. He’d complimented her on the way she rode and she’d returned the praise. From then on, whenever they saw each other at the dozen concorsos held every year in various countries, they would try to spend time together. No one else existed for them. They would discuss the finer points of each other’s performances and talk about their lives.

Because of Enrico’s striking looks and intelligence, Donetta never noticed the other male contestants. Whenever she learned he was on the list of competitors for his age group, her eyes always sought his and he’d find her once the competition was over.

They’d walk off away from the others. Often they hid out on the grounds to talk and laugh. From that first concorso, she lived for each meeting.

Today, as Donetta watched him accept his silver cup, she realized he was becoming a man, one whose looks and charisma had a visceral effect on her.

Donetta examined her heart and realized she had an infatuation for Enrico that wasn’t about to go away.