Cami and her mother eyed each other in surprise. They’d passed the famous estate on their way here earlier this morning. What a coincidence!

“The renowned CEO and vintner died at eighty-five years of age and left a dynasty of billions to his family. The future now lies in the hands of his grandson Raoul Fontesquieu, married to Sabine Murat of the Murat industrial millions. Today it was announced he is the new CEO of the Fontesquieu empire. The grandson—”

Her mother turned it off. “I’ve heard enough.”

Cami understood what was going on in her mom’s mind. The news was a reminder that 99 percent of the population couldn’t relate to a world like the Fontesquieux or billionaires like the owner of the villa they’d been cleaning.

“Let’s go in and get started again.”

* * *

After grabbing lunch, Raoul had driven Dominic back to the office. He turned to his cousin. “Thanks for coming with me this morning. Only you could know how happy I am to be done with the secrecy about Alain. I’ve almost gone out of my mind having to keep all knowledge of him quiet leading up to the divorce.”

“Despite all the problems, you’ve ca

rried it off.”

“But he won’t be a secret any longer. As you know, the psychiatrist advised me that Sabine was fragile after losing the baby. No heart trouble had run in her family or mine. It was devastating. That’s why I didn’t want her to hear of Alain’s existence until the divorce was finalized.”

Dominic looked at him. “You were fragile too, even though little Celine turned out to be some other man’s daughter.”

“Nevertheless I loved that baby, but it’s all behind me now.”

“Nothing could make me happier for you, Raoul.”

“My son is going to find out what it’s like to have a father who loves him and is free to give him all the attention he needs. If you and Nathalie would get busy, maybe he’ll have another little cousin to play with soon.”

Dominic grinned. “Who says we haven’t been doing our best?”

A chuckle came out of Raoul who felt a new happiness envelop him. Dominic’s wife, Nathalie, had been the one who’d united Raoul with the son he hadn’t known anything about. She and Alain’s mother, Antoinette, had been stepsisters.

When Antoinette had died of a staph infection ten days after he’d been born, it was Nathalie and her mother who’d looked after Alain in La Gaude, a town fifteen minutes from Vence. But it wasn’t until this year’s grape harvest that she’d come to the vineyard looking for the nameless father of her nephew. By a miracle she’d found Raoul!

“I’m on vacation from the office for two weeks now. When everything’s ready, I’ll resign and bring Alain home to the villa. The housecleaning service I engaged on Saturday should be busy there cleaning by now. Arlette volunteered to be in charge.”

“Where’s Alain?”

“Minerve is tending him during the day while we get the villa ready. By the time the cleaners are through at the end of the week, I’ll be leaving your old suite for good.”

“Don’t worry. We’ve moved out permanently. Nathalie and I have our own home we’re in the process of furnishing. There’s no hurry.”

“Oh, yes there is. I want nothing more to do with life at the château. Thank heaven for Minerve who’s been Alain’s nanny since he was born. She’s going to come with Arlette to help me with him during the transition. When Alain and I are on our own, I don’t want him to miss them too much.”

“It’ll all work, and Nathalie will help too, but Minerve will be difficult to replace.”

“You can say that again. I’m working with an established nanny training service. On Wednesday some women will be sent out for interviews. Arlette will help me vet them.”

“She’s the perfect one to help. I’ve got some good news too, Raoul. Arlette couldn’t be a better mother-in-law to me and has hired another pharmacist so Nathalie only has to work part-time or not at all. From now on she can help you more when you need it.”

“That’s terrific.”

“Who’s going to run the marketing while you’re on vacation?”

“I’ve been grooming our cousin Jean-Pierre to take over for good. He’s effective without being pushy. Naturally Papa doesn’t approve, but once I’ve left, Jean-Pierre will be there to save the day. I have great faith in him.”

Another smile broke out on Dominic’s face. “Then that settles it. Jean-Pierre is the right choice.”

They said goodbye and Raoul drove to the villa, eager to take another look at the size of the room he planned to turn into the nursery. He wanted to paint it and needed to estimate how much to buy.