“They serve the best beef kebabs. Another favorite of mine is chicken stuffed with veal and served with vegetables from their hothouse garden.”

“Already my mouth is watering.”

Cami felt like she was in a fantastic dream as he drove them up the mountain road. He took several winding roads that eventually brought them to the auberge hidden in the trees. Such an idyllic setting.

There weren’t many cars, but of course the hour was early for most people to go to dinner. He parked the car and shut off the motor. “I know you’re going to like this place.”

“I have no doubt of it.”

After helping her out, they walked inside. He cupped her elbow. He would never know how much she craved the contact. The need to touch him was growing into an ache that refused to go away.

This was no bistro. Raoul was greeted like royalty and they were shown a table, the only one with a centerpiece of pink roses. She marveled that he’d gone to all this trouble for her.

Once seated, a waiter arrived to pour the wine while another waiter brought menus and took their orders.

Raoul’s eyes roamed over her, sending her heart into thud speed. “You look ravishing tonight. I decided we need to celebrate your new position at Gaillard’s.”

Heat filled her cheeks. “You’re the most thoughtful person I’ve ever known.”

He shook his head. “You deserve honoring. I don’t think you have any idea of how phenomenal that is.”

She sipped the wine. “Why do you say that?”

“Because the CEO is a close friend of my father’s.”

“You’re kidding—”

“I happen to know that you had to pass a stringent series of tests to be hired there. They don’t let just anyone work for them.”

“Naturally I never met the CEO. What’s he like?”

“In truth, he’s ruthless like my father, and scary to approach. If he agreed to hire you, then he was impressed by your performance more than you know. Otherwise you wouldn’t be working for the company.” He sounded far away just then.

“I guess it’s nice to hear I was offered a position there.” But what he’d said about his own father and his childhood sent a shiver down Cami’s spine and brought forcefully to mind his troubled relationship with the men in his family. Now that she knew so much more about his unhappy past, she could understand why he was breaking with them.

“I told you this to pay you a compliment, not to worry you.”

“At least I’ve been forewarned.”

Cami was glad the waiter came with their dinner. She’d chosen the chicken and veal. “This food is absolutely delicious. I haven’t tasted anything this good in ages.”

“Neither have I,” he confessed.

Her thoughts raced ahead. “Have you found a new housekeeper yet?”


“Will you ask this one to cook for you?”

“Only a few meals.”

“Then you’ll cook the rest of the time?”

“Yes, especially when I go out on the sailboat. It’s moored in Nice.”

Of course he had a sailboat. While she was imagining it, he called the waiter over and ordered some takeout for her mother, then turned to her.

“Would you like dessert?”