
“That’s because of your ex’s reaction.”

The problem with talking to her mother was that she knew Cami’s fears and secrets way too well and was about as subtle as a sledgehammer.

“Christophe knew I had a heart murmur, but he never thought about it until after we were married and he wanted me to do one of those fun run marathons with him. When I told him I couldn’t, he freaked out when he heard the reason why and wouldn’t even talk to me about it sensibly. He didn’t treat me the same after that. We’d been divorced over two years before my symptoms indicated I’d eventually have to undergo an operation.”

Her mom leaned forward. “Even more reason why you should let Raoul know your situation the next time you’re with him. He’s fallen for you.”

“What if he freaks out too?”

“Raoul Fontesquieu is a strong man who won’t fall apart. But if you don’t tell him and he finds out you held back, then he might not trust you. That could doom your relationship.”

“I’m already doomed.”

Her mother scoffed.

“Maman—have you forgotten I have to get through the operation? We don’t know if I’ll be able to live a full life or take that job at Gaillard’s. I might not even leave the hospital,” her voice faded.

“Nonsense. I know you’re going to be fine.”

“No—you don’t know! None of us, not even the doctor can predict what will happen.”

“That’s true,” she came back. “But the thought of losing my precious daughter is something I refuse to consider. So please do me this favor and tell him the truth soon.”

* * *

On Wednesday morning, Raoul woke up to play with his son, relieved that Cami would be coming to the villa this evening. Last Saturday while she’d worked alongside him, Raoul had found himself enamored of her. It was no longer just a physical attraction.

In meeting Cami, he’d started to come alive again. As he’d told her, he’d been developing a new consulting business to do with wine not connected with Fontesquieu. Raoul knew his father was enraged over the divorce and for his noncompliance as CEO, but that didn’t worry him.

Now that he’d cut himself off from the family business, Raoul already had his own resources to do something that would bring income and a sense of pride over what his great uncle—a scientist, vine culture expert and artist—had envisioned years before. He wanted to build this into a legacy for Alain.

Cami not only applauded his ideas, she’d assured him his son would follow him anywhere. Just remembering what she’d said put a smile on his face. To envision her driving around Vence in her own taxi came close to giving him a heart attack. Her engaging personality was like no one else’s.

Feelings and desires that had been buried for the last few years had come back. His mind told him he wasn’t practicing enough caution with Cami, but at this point his heart was driving him and trumped everything else.

Frustrated that she wouldn’t be coming to the villa anymore to work, he’d asked her out to dinner last night so he could express his feelings. To his joy she’d agreed to come swimming. Tonight, he would open up his heart to her.

At five, he went upstairs to shower and shave. Cami would be arriving any minute. Alain was in the playroom with Nathalie. He came back down to the kitchen. Through the window he saw her Citroën approach.

His pulse went into high gear. He loved her hair flowing, but once again her lustrous black tresses had been caught back in a chignon. She got out wearing another pair of jeans and an ivory-colored pullover that revealed her lovely shape. He opened the back door to let her in.

She entered and looked around. The room was cluttered with boxes full of all the things needed to supply a functioning kitchen. They needed to be opened.

Through her black lashes those hyacinth eyes met his. “What’s all this?”

“Nathalie and Arlette picked out all these items at the store. It needs to be sorted and put away. I’ll get around to it when I have time, but I’m afraid that living at the château all my life didn’t teach me to deal with these logistics.”

She smiled. “The fact that you were asked to be CEO proves your talents were better spent outside the kitchen.”

“I guess we’ll never know. The coffee’s hot. I’ve poured you a mug.”

“Thank you.”

“Just give me a moment and I’ll be right back.”

* * *