“I did, and we’ve been having the time of our lives. Nathalie is with him now.”

“I’m thrilled for you.”

Within a few minutes their drive brought them to the gate of the famous Fontesquieu estate. He turned in. Suddenly it was déjà vu. In the distance the fantastic château came into view.

“I can’t believe this has been your home all your life.”

“It was like living in a large zoo under one roof. In comparison, my villa is paradise.”

He’d packed so much emotion into those statements, Cami felt saddened and stirred in her seat. “Every time my father brought me and my mom here, I wondered about the people who lived inside.”

Raoul darted her a glance. “Besides your prince?”

Cami laughed quietly. “I was a child with a big imagination and can be forgiven.”

“I assure you no prince or princess lived here. We were the same, difficult, ordinary people who live in apartments and houses throughout the world with the same flaws and imperfections that make up part of the human family.”

“Please don’t destroy all my illusions. I’d like to keep a few.”

He chuckled. “The public isn’t allowed inside, but I’ll drive us around on those forbidden roads so you can see it up close.”

“Where were you when we needed you?” she teased.

He reached over and squeezed her hand. It shot warmth through her body before he slowly let it go, leaving her bereft. Soon they’d come to the private road that circled next to the base of the magnificent structure.

“Does your whole family still live here?”

“You mean my grandmother, my parents, six aunts and six uncles, eighteen cousins, twelve nieces, ten nephews and a load of great grandchildren?” He pulled the car to a stop and flashed her that heart-stopping smile. “Then yes. In fact every one of them except for my cousin Dominic and myself.”

She couldn’t imagine it. “Does that mean you two are the rebels?”

“The family considers us the black sheep. Is it any wonder I’ve found pure peace at the villa?”

More than ever Cami realized what an enormous change he’d gone through to separate himself from the world he’d been born into. Her eyes took in the architecture that made the château so spectacular. “Where was your room when you were young?”

“On the third floor in the center right up there.” He pointed.

She didn’t want to ask where he’d lived with Sabine. “There have to be so many fun places to explore.”

“Fun, yes, but I paid a price when I got caught.”

Cami frowned. “Why?”

“My grandfather ruled supreme and everyone obeyed him. He wouldn’t tolerate a child being a child, especially me or Dominic whom he called the ringleader since he was a year older. No noise. No friends allowed inside the château. Any play had to be done outside under supervision, and those friends had to be handpicked by our fathers because they considered us serious problems who needed discipline.”

“No wonder you’re so fond of Dominic.”

“He and I grew closer than brothers to survive our childhood. If we did something wrong, we were separated for a week from playing together. We were also locked in our rooms without food for twelve hours so we would come to our senses.”

Cami was scandalized. “Are you kidding me?”

He lifted his hands. “I swear.”

“My father was so sweet to me, I feel terrible for what you had to suffer.”

“That was a long time ago. If you’ve seen enough, I’ll drive over to the office. It’ll only take me a minute.”

To her surprise it was housed in a large modern building behind the château. Being a Sunday, the parking lot had few cars. She marveled over the incongruity of new and old in the same panorama sweep.