“My great uncle was the genius. I need the journals he kept to help me, but they’re with my ex-wife. One day I’ll get them.” A dark brow lifted. “Anytime you want, you’re welcome to head my advertising department.”

A gentle laugh escaped before she glanced at the cabinet. “So those files represent the people who’ve already responded to your ads.”

“That’s right.”

“You’ve received a lot already.”

“We’ll see how much it grows. I’ve advertised under an old family name Degardelle that has no connection with the Fontesquieu family. I won’t be giving away any family secrets, but I know enough about the art of raising grapevines to help others. I want something that my son can get involved in one day, if it’s what he wants.”

Her eyes lit up, intensifying their unique color. “He’ll want to do everything you do, I promise you. As you now know, my papa was a chauffeur de taxi. As a little girl, I had a dream of owning my own taxi.”

“After what you’ve told me, that doesn’t surprise me.”

“I imagined driving all sorts of interesting, fascinating people around. That was until Papa drove us to your family’s estate and I saw the château for the first time from a distance.”

One black brow quirked. “What happened then?”

“I thought we’d come to the land of enchantment. As I told you a few minutes ago, I imagined being the princess who lived inside with her prince.”

Cami had no comprehension what this conversation was doing to him. In an earlier time, he would have loved living in the château with her. “How long did that dream last?”

“After Papa died, it stopped, but he always had the most influence over me. I’m sure your son will want to follow in your footsteps. That’s how it works. Now I have to go.” She stood up.

Enthralled by her conversation, the last thing he wanted was for her to leave. She had yet to tell him about the rest of her life, her failed marriage, but now wasn’t the moment to detain her. She had an appointment.

“I’ll walk you out.”

“Please don’t bother. You’ve got all your computer equipment to put together. You have no idea what a pleasure it’s been to work here for you. I’m glad we met and I wish you all the happiness in the world with your son.”

That was a goodbye speech if Raoul had ever heard one, but he had news for her and followed her through the villa to her car. “This may be your last workday with me, but I want to go on seeing you. Tomorrow I have to run by my old office on the estate and would like to take you with me. You’ll be able to see the château up close.”

He’d caught her off guard. “You mean it?”

“Knowing how much you loved your father, I’m certain another visit there will have special meaning for you. I’ll be with my son part of the day, so I was thinking five o’clock. I’d really like to do this for you. All I need is your address.”

He could hear her mind working, but was having a heart attack waiting for her answer. Finally, “How can I possibly say no to an invitation that would mean the world to me? I’ll be outside at five. I live in an eight-plex at 130 Almond Street.”

Relief swept through him. “I’ll be there.” As he helped her get in, he brushed her lips briefly with his own before shutting the door.

* * *

Raoul’s quick kiss had come as a breathtaking surprise. The touch of his mouth on hers had kept her restless all night. She was still shaken when she got up on Sunday.

Cami could no longer pretend her deepest feelings weren’t involved. Meeting this man who was bigger than anything life had really thrown her. He’d created feelings in her she didn’t want to have, let alone feelings she didn’t believe were hers to have!

Her mom had gone out with friends earlier. Cami left a note that Raoul was going to show her the château up close this evening, but she wouldn’t be late. He had his little boy to get home to. Her mother’s prophecy had come true. Cami couldn’t stay away.

After washing her hair, she used the blow-dryer and left it loose and curly around her shoulders. While she put on her makeup, she realized she was a far cry from Rapunzel, the golden-haired princess high up in the tower.

She put on a wraparound blue skirt and matching sweater. After grabbing her jacket, she left the apartment a few minutes early and went outside to wait. When she saw the gleaming red Jaguar pull up in front, she sucked in her breath.

Raoul got out and helped her in the passenger side. He wore a burgundy-colored pullover sweater and dark gray trousers. One covert look at him and he’d become the embodiment of her fictional, dark-haired prince living at the château.

His black eyes played over her. “You should wear your hair long more often. It’s stunning,” he said before driving them down the street toward the main route leading up into the hills. His compliment had her trembling.

Cami whispered her thanks, but found it hard to comprehend that when she’d thought she’d never see him again, he’d invited her to come with him this evening. If they were headed for a relationship, her feelings for him were already over the top.

“How is your son? Did you bring him home?”