“Ooh. I’m sure there’s a great deal to learn and endure.” She took one more sip, but knew she could never acquire a taste for it. “Now I hope you don’t mind, but I have to get going. When you spoke to me, I had only come in here to take a look around because one of the people in line told me about this place. It was very nice of you to buy me a drink.” There was no sign of the striking French god who’d interviewed her earlier.

“I’m sorry you have to go. Let me walk you out.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

“No problem. I’m leaving too.” He cleared their way through the crowds and walked her to her car, where she got in.

She spoke to him through the open window. “If I’m hired, we’ll probably see each other again.”

“I’m planning on it. Otherwise I’ll ask my boss why you didn’t get the job. He’ll go to Dominic for an explanation.”


“Dominic Fontesquieu. He’s one of the family heads who interviewed you earlier today.”


“He rarely does any interviewing, but his brother, Etienne Fontesquieu, director of the vineyard, has been ill. If there was a problem with you, Gregoire will get it straightened out with Etienne so you will be hired. You can trust me on that.”

“Thank you very much, Paul. Bonne nuit.”


NATHALIE DROVE AWAY with her heart in her throat. Could Alain be the son of Dominic Fontesquieu? A man who came from one of the most prominent, titled families in France?

Had it been an illicit affair on his part that he didn’t want getting back to his family? Had he sworn Antoinette to silence because of his name?

Maybe he’d been married and couldn’t afford a scandal that would make the news. If he were divorced now, it could explain the lack of a wedding ring. Or maybe he didn’t like to wear rings. She wondered if he’d kept his name a secret from Antoinette.

Suffused with more questions than before, Nathalie drove faster than usual, needing answers. Fifteen minutes later, she entered the house and found her mother in the family room watching TV while she worked on some embroidered blocks for a quilt. All was quiet, which meant Alain was asleep.

Nathalie sat down on the couch. “I’m glad you’re still up, Maman, because I’ve got something of vital importance to tell you.”

Her mother took one look at her and turned off the TV.

“Please don’t be upset with me if I tell you something that might make you angry.”

“Why would you say that?”

For the next ten minutes, Nathalie told her about her talk with Claire a month ago and her plan to look for Alain’s father. She explained about her visit to the Fontesquieu vineyard to apply for work, and ended by telling her about today’s discovery.

“This afternoon I found a man I believe could be Alain’s father and learned his name.”

Her mother leaned forward. “Good heavens, Nathalie. What do you mean you think you’ve found him?”

When Nathalie told her what had happened today, her mother jumped to her feet looking startled. “Alain could be a Fontesquieu?”

“Yes. If the man who interview

ed me is the one, I can see why Antoinette fell for him. He’s...so incredibly attractive, I can’t believe it.” Nathalie had been mesmerized by him.

“I’ve never heard you talk this way about a man before.”

She drew in a breath. “That’s because I’ve never met one like him in my whole life. It would explain what happened to Antoinette.” She cleared her throat. “On the drive back just now, I decided that if I’m hired on Monday, I’ll work there long enough to find out his marital status. If he’s divorced or single, then I’ll approach him. But if he’s married and has children, then for the sake of his wife and family, I’m not sure how I’ll inform him.”

“Oh, Nathalie.” Her voice shook. “Darling... You’re going to have to be careful without positive proof.”

“There is proof if you compare the two of them, even without a DNA test. The resemblance is uncanny. And there’s something else. Dominic Fontesquieu has the same small birthmark as Alain.”