She blinked. “Yes. You were the man handing out applications earlier today.”

“That’s right. When I saw you walk in alone just now, I thought I’d say hello and offer to buy you a drink. My table is right here.”

This was probably how it had happened for Antoinette. Her lover had approached her in exactly the same way. Nathalie had to do some fast thinking. If she accepted the invite, she could at least learn the name of the man who had interviewed her. But she wasn’t attracted to this man and didn’t want him to misunderstand.

“Thank you, but I only came in to look around.”

“You can do that right here.” He pulled out a bistro chair for her so she would sit down. Then he took the other seat. “Have you been in here before?”


“My name is Paul Cortier, by the way.”

“I’m Nathalie Fournier.”

“Eh, bien, Nathalie, please allow me to order you the specialty of the house, although you may not like it. Guinguet is an acquired taste.”

“Guinguet? Like the name of the bistro?”

“C’est exacte.” He signaled for a waiter who took their order. “The word comes from the guinguettes that were popular drinking places on the outskirts of Paris years ago. They served local sour white wine, a tradition this bistro keeps up.”

“Who makes the sour white wine here?”

“The Fontesquieu Vineyards.”

“Of course. Your employer.”

“That’s right. They make enough of it to keep the owner here in business.”

“Even though their grapes are red?”

Paul chuckled. “There are lots of secrets about red grapes I’d be happy to explain to you on another occasion. Perhaps on a tour of the winery itself? I’d be happy to arrange to show you personally.”

She shook her head. “Thank you, but just so you know, I’m not interested in a relationship with anyone, Paul.” It was the truth.

He squinted at her. “At least you’re honest.”

The waiter brought them each a small goblet of pale white wine. After he walked away, Paul lifted his glass. “Try it and let me know what you think.”

Nathalie, who didn’t actually like wine, took a sip, then struggled not to make a face.

Paul laughed. “Somehow I knew that would be your reaction. It’s not for everyone. But since you’ll be helping with the harvest, I thought you’d like a sample. Sort of a christening for you.”

She took another sip to please him. “I may not be hired.”

“Unless you have a police record, I don’t see any problem. Please tell me you don’t.” He was a charming flirt who never gave up.

She chuckled. “Not as far as I know.”

“That’s the best news I’ve had since I handed you an application.”

“I guess I’ll find out Monday morning if I made the cut. My interview didn’t last long since the man saw on the application that I knew nothing about grape picking.”

He cocked his head. “Is that true?”

“Yes, but I think it would be interesting to learn.”

“It’s hard work.”