A groan came out of Dominic. “How bad are things at this point?”

“Bad. I’ve been served papers from Sabine’s attorney and have been talking with our attorney, Horace Millet.”

“He’s the best. What is she demanding?”

“Fifty million dollars in damages for lack of affection since she knew from the start I hadn’t been in love with her. That was her excuse for being with another man while she waited for a proposal from me. She claimed she’d wanted marriage to me all her adult life.” He sat back in the chair. “Well, she got it.”

Dominic looked across at him. “You could countersue because of her lie.”

“I could, but we’ve both been suffering over Celine’s death. There’s been too much grief as it is. I just want this period of my life over. Horace has drawn up papers declaring a legal separation. Since her attorney has indicated that Sabine is refusing to move out of the chateau until the divorce is final, I’m moving out. I’ve liquidated a few assets to keep functioning before Papa freezes my accounts. Both sets of parents are refusing to accept the divorce and are fighting it.”

“Of course they are.” And Raoul was too full of integrity to expose Sabine’s lie to the family.

“For now I’m planning to live at the Aurora Hotel in Vence until this is over. I’m checking in there after I leave you.”

“No, you’re not. You’re staying with me. I have two extra bedrooms. Both families are trying to take everything away from you. That means I’m not letting you spend money on a hotel. You need to be close to the office.”

“I can’t do that to you.”

“Raoul, if I were in your shoes, I know you’d tell me to move in with you, so let’s not waste any more time talking about it. Come on. Follow me back to the chateau and let’s get you moved in. While we do that, I’ll fill you in on what’s happening with me. It’ll be fun. I’ve got more space in the apartment than I know what to do with.”


“We share a special bond, right?”

“Oui,” his voice grated.

Dominic put some Euros on the table and they left for the chateau. Under the circumstances, he couldn’t be happier to have his best friend close.

Within the hour, they’d set Raoul up in one of the bedrooms. His cousin eyed him as they both went to the kitchen for more coffee. “The family will have a collective heart attack when they find out the two bad boys have joined forces, but I could not care less. Have you ended it with Corinne yet?”

“I took care of that last night. When you texted me a little while ago, I was on my way to the parents to be castigated.”

“How did that go?”

“According to Maman, Corinne’s mother is in hysterics. I know I hurt Corinne for expectations never met, but there were no outward histrionics.”

His cousin’s dark brow lifted. “Let’s change the subject. What’s going on with Mademoiselle Fournier?”

“I haven’t fired her yet if that tells you anything.” Dominic was still shaken by the taste and feel of Nathalie, who’d welcomed his kiss last night with the same urgency he’d been feeling from the beginning.

“Do you still suspect her of something?”

“I don’t know,” he ground out. “Maybe I’m wrong and she’s exactly who she says she is. After hearing about Sabine’s lie of omission, I pray to God Nathalie has told me her whole truth by now.”

His cousin eyed him with concern. “You sound like a man in love.”

Dominic’s head reared. “It may have finally happened, Raoul.” But he would be in pain until he knew all of her and her heart.

“Does she feel the same way?”

“She hasn’t said the words yet, but I know it in my gut.” The way she’d kissed him had been proof of that.

* * *

Rain fell on Friday. Nathalie’s work was wet and messy. She needed to shower and wash her hair after finishing work, as Dominic would be coming by to take her out for the evening.

Learning that he planned to be married soon had shaken her. If he were Alain’s father and wanted a relationship with his boy, then how would Nathalie handle it? She was Alain’s aunt and they would be sharing him. How was she going to shut off her feelings?