He smiled. “That’s a thought I’ll pass on to Gregoire.” But not to Dominic or Etienne, either of whom could make it happen.

“I saw clouds gathering this afternoon.”

“It’ll rain tomorrow.”

“I can feel the extra humidity. It ought to make grape picking more interesting.”

He grinned. “You mean messy, dirty and wet.”

“I guess I’m going to find out.”

“Want to go to a film after we eat?”

She shook her head. “I have to get back to the pharmacy where I work and do inventory. That’s why I brought my car.”

“You’re a pharmacist?” Surprise was written all over him.

“By profession.”

“But I thought you were on vacation.” He looked stunned. “You have to go tonight?”

She nodded. “They need help so I promised to come in.”

“Even when you’ve got a full day’s work tomorrow?”

“I can’t turn down a promise.”

“You’re one amazing woman.”

Thankfully their food arrived at that moment.

“This pizza is good.”

“It’s all right,” he muttered. “I’d rather we went out for a real dinner.”

“Honestly, I’m too exhausted working seven days a week to do anything but fall asleep watching TV. Monsieur Fontesquieu warned me to take it easy so I don’t burn out and collapse. Actually, he saw me walking and gave me a lift home the other day. It was very kind of him. If he has a wife who knows about it, I hope she’ll understand he was only helping a lowly, exhausted grape picker make her way along the road.”

Paul shook his head. “He’s never been married.”

The unexpected news filled her with joy for several reasons. “I see.”

“Not yet, at least. According to Gregoire, who’s on close terms with Etienne, Dominic Fontesquieu is on the verge of getting married to a woman with the kind of money most people only dream about.”

After hearing he wasn’t married, the revelation of impending marriage to a wealthy woman came as a shock. If that was true, how could he have kissed Nathalie like he did last night? Or made plans to be with her tomorrow evening?

Distressed, she wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin. “Paul, I’m afraid I have to leave.” Nathalie pulled some euros out of her purse and put them on the table before standing up. “Stay and finish the pizza.”

“Don’t forget to wear extra rain gear in the morning.”

“I will. See you in the morning. Merci for the friendly chat.”

Nathalie was tormented as she sped home. After the kiss they’d shared, she didn’t know what to think about Dominic. At least he didn’t have a wife or children to consider if he were to learn he’d fathered Antoinette’s baby. But if he were getting married soon, he shouldn’t have been with Nathalie. Following that thought, the news that he had a son could turn his world upside down.

What was she doing? This couldn’t go on any longer.

* * *

On Thursday, Dominic had been summoned to the salon of his parents’ apartment at the chateau. He knew why.