If Ally said anything, he didn’t hear her as he went out to the kitchen, nervous as hell. This wasn’t the way he’d planned for their honeymoon to start out, but the doctor had warned him to treat her carefully. Once he’d prepared a tray, he took their meal into the bedroom and set it on the dresser.

He shouldn’t have been surprised that she’d already gotten under the covers. Recovering from a concussion, even if it had been a light one, meant bed still felt good to her. But there was something different about Ally. An energy radiating from her. With her black hair splayed on the pillow, she looked like a princess in a fairy tale. Her purple-blue eyes shone like rare jewels.

“You were very sweet to bring our meal in here, but to be honest, I’m not hungry. Don’t you know I’m about to have the experience I’ve been waiting for all my life with my husband? Come to bed.”

His lungs froze. “But your doctor sai—”

“Luckey, he was just teasing you.”


Her smile lit up his world. “The whole wing of the hospital knew about our wedding ceremony. I guess it’s a man thing for him to give you a hard time.” She sat up against the headboard. The sight of her bare arms and shoulders let him know she hadn’t put on a nightgown. He could hardly swallow.

“When he asked me if I’d thought about protection, I told him I wanted a baby right away. He said I’d better check with you first. I have to tell you I’m hoping I’m pregnant by May, when we take our long honeymoon to the Grand Canyon with the horses. But if I’m not, we’ll just keep trying, because from what I understand, that’s the best part. I hope you won’t be too shocked when I tell you I’ve never been to bed with a man before.”

He blinked. “You’re serious.”

“Very. If that frightens you, I’m sorry, but I promise to be a good student.”

Luckey couldn’t take any more and headed for the bathroom. He showered in record time and hitched

a towel around his hips before joining his new wife, who was absolutely the most amazing, astounding, surprising, luscious female he’d ever known.

Once under the covers, he came close to going up in smoke as she welcomed him into her arms. He forgot the world as they began to give each other the kind of divine pleasure that was beyond description. Luckey felt sorry for every man who would never know what it was like to have a loving, giving, passionate wife like Ally.

“Sweetheart...you’re so beautiful, it hurts.”

“I feel that same pain just thinking about you. Don’t stop loving me. Don’t ever stop.”

“Never, Ally. Never.”

They made love until afternoon, and then stopped long enough to eat before beginning the whole process of loving each other all over again. Late the next morning Luckey woke first and watched her sleep. One arm lay folded against his chest, with her face resting on his shoulder.

Since joining her in bed, he’d forgotten she’d just come out of the hospital. He hoped to heaven their hungry lovemaking hadn’t done anything to set her back. Luckey traced the line of the mouth that had sent him into ecstasy with every touch. His index finger found the little cut, which was almost healed.

For the first time, the sight he’d had of Martin knocking her against the wall replayed in his mind. He moaned in pain and gathered her in his arms, bringing her awake.

“Darling?” she murmured.

“Forgive me. I love you so much, I’m depriving you of sleep.”

“I was only pretending. For the last half hour I’ve been lying here wondering if you’d think I was terrible to kiss you awake.”

He kissed both her eyelids. “Let’s clear something up right now. You never need permission to show me your love.”

“That’s good, because I’m out of control and always will be. You have that effect on me.”

Luckey pulled her on top of him. “I’ve been wondering what we should call our child if it’s a boy.”

“I’m way ahead of you, even if it’s a girl.”

A chuckle escaped. “I knew it. Give me a clue.”

“The boy’s first initial will be a D.”

Luckey’s chuckle turned into full-bodied laughter that shook the bed. “And the girl’s?”

“A D, too.”