It was music to his ears. “In that case, let’s get started on my homework.”

While she cleared the table, he cleaned up the cartons and put everything back in the sack. Once that was done, he pulled the cards out of his pocket and handed them to her. “Go ahead and ask me anything you want.”

She looked down. Let’s start with the word easy.”

“Rong yi.”

“Next time.”

“Ming yian.”


“Xie xie.”


“Shen me.”


“Zhong guo.”

Ally went through all twenty pairs before handing the cards back to him with shock written on her face. “You have one of those photographic minds. I can’t believe you’ve memorized those perfectly since last night.”

“But I haven’t pronounced them right.”

“Can I expect that you’ll be able to say them flawlessly tomorrow during our ride?”

“I’ll try.”

“Luckey—I’m kidding. I don’t know anyone who learned all the pairs as fast as you have. You’re amazing!”

“I’m motivated.” Especially when she looked at him the way she was doing now.

“I’m speechless, to be honest. Let’s go through each card and I’ll work on the pronunciation with you.”

For the next half hour she got him to mimic each sound until she was satisfied. “You have a gift,” she said, once they’d gone through all of them.

He put the cards in his pocket and sat back in his chair. “Let’s list yours, shall we?”

“I mean it.” The blue of her eyes deepened. “I lived in China fifteen years. It took me a long time to master what you’ve already done. I’m not at all surprised you’re a Texas Ranger. It’s almost scary how fast your brain takes in a concept, pulls it apart, figures it out and builds on it.”

“You make me sound like a machine, but I assure you I’m not.” After a pause he said, “Do you still have work to do tonight?”

“Yes. I wish I didn’t.”

He believed she meant it. “So do I.” Time to leave. Luckey got up from the table. Her parents were around. “Better not see me to the door.”

Her head reared back. “Why?”

Luckey sucked in his breath. “Do you really have to ask?” He wheeled around and walked out of the house to his car. If she’d followed him to the door, the promise he’d made not to touch her would have gone up in smoke.

Tomorrow night he’d tell her he couldn’t abide by it any longer.

* * *

ALLY WAITED TOO long to chase after him. By the time she reached the door, he’d gone. The sensual tension between them had reached flash point. Aching with need, she realized she couldn’t do this anymore.