“You’re serious.”

“It’s too late to take back what you asked for.”

“I can’t believe it!”

“Ally—while your parents are still here, I’m going to leave to do some errands and run home to shower. I’ll be back tonight.”

“Okay. But hurry!”

He brushed her lips gently with his own before he left the hospital. His world was about to change forever.

Chapter Twelve

By six in the morning Ally was wide-awake. This was her wedding day! She felt fantastic. The bump on the back of her head was disappearing. Her IV had been removed. She looked over at Luckey, who lay sleeping on the cot.

Her clean-shaven Ranger had come back to the hospital late last night. He was wearing a cream-colored shirt and black pants she hadn’t seen before. They’d said only a few words and kissed before they’d both fallen asleep.

One of the nurses came in with a new flower arrangement and handed Ally the card. It was written in Luckey’s hand. “For my beautiful bride on our wedding day.” She buried her face in the flowers and shed tears of joy before the nurse put them on one of the carts.

Ally’s parents arrived. Her mother had brought a fresh change of clothes for her to wear home from the hospital. A clean pair of jeans and a print blouse would be her wedding attire. With the other woman’s help, she went to the restroom and showered. When she came out, they ate breakfast. They arranged that Luckey would take her home from the hospital.

Ally told the nurse that a circuit court judge would be arriving soon, because she and Luckey were getting married within the hour. Would she please find another nurse and both stand as witnesses for the ceremony?

At twenty to eight Luckey woke up. He sat up with a jerk, as if disoriented. Ally’s parents smiled.

“Good morning, my love. The judge will be here any minute.”

“I can’t believe I slept this long.”

“You’re exhausted, that’s why.”

Luckey stood up and folded the cot, rolling it against the wall.

“Come sit by me and eat. We’ve all eaten.”

He kissed her cheek before pulling up a chair to tuck in. “You look radiant. How are you feeling?”

“Wonderful. I’m ready to go home with you. Last night the doctor said he’d release me during his morning rounds.”

“I’m still pinching myself that this dream of mine is about to happen.”

“And it’s too late to change your mind,” a distinctive male voice declared from the doorway. The judge was followed by two nurses.

Luckey smiled. “That couldn’t happen. Allison Duncan, meet Judge Carlos Montoya, the man who has been kind enough to drop everything in order to marry us, on a Wednesday no less.”

“We’re so thankful, Judge.” Her voice shook.

His eyes lit up when he looked at Ally. “I can see why your husband-to-be is in such a terrible hurry.”

“Actually, I’m the one who begged him to marry me before I left the hospital. You’re doing us such a great favor. One day soon we’ll find a way to repay you.”

“It’s my pleasure to see that Luckey has finally found himself the right woman. He’s the best of the best, but you already know that, right?” The older man winked at Ally.

“That’s exactly who he is.”

“All right. Let’s get started. Do you need to stay in bed? Or can you stand up long enough for the short ceremony I’m about to perform?”

“I can stand.” She slid off the mattress.