“What kind of excuse will you use?”

“I’ll pretend to be a Chinese mother returning to Changsha. I’m trying to find the best trainer for my fourteen-year-old gymnast daughter, who wants to make the team. Could he put me in touch with the right people?”

Ally was one of those people who thought out of the box. She was an original with a wonderful mind. If anyone could pull it off, she could. The man on the other end wouldn’t have a clue she was an American.

Luckey nodded. “I’m replying to his message as we speak. I’ve told him a Chinese woman will be contacting him by phone. You take it from there and we’ll see how much information you can get out of him.”

“Thank you for letting me do this.” Her eyes shone with a

heavenly blue luster. A man could lose his soul in them.

“Call him when you’re ready.” Luckey gave her a pen and pad to make notes if she needed to.

Five minutes later he was listening to a lengthy conversation she’d put on speaker so he could hear both ends. He doubted many foreigners ever mastered Chinese the way she had. Luckey marveled at her expertise. Their talk went on for quite a while. She asked dozens of questions the man on the other end willingly answered. Ally made a number of notes. He did recognize the words xiexie ni before she hung up. They meant thank you.

Her gaze collided with his. “He was a gold mine, Luckey. We now have the names, numbers and addresses of the best trainers in China.”

The three-feet-apart boundary Ally had set for them went out the window the moment he reached over to cover her hand and squeeze it. “You are a master of deception. If I’d been on the phone with him, our conversation probably wouldn’t have lasted more than a couple of minutes and I’d have had little to show for it.”

Her eyes gleamed. “I’m so glad I learned Chinese the way I did, if only to find the man who brought about Yu Tan’s death. I’m going to start making more phone calls and fish around for any information.”

Luckey released her hand with reluctance. “You’re right, Ally. Two people working together makes the job go so much faster.”

For the next few minutes he listened to her have several phone conversations, and watched her jot down more notes. While she was still on the phone, he went to the kitchen and made some grilled cheese sandwiches to keep them going. He brought them to the den along with fresh coffee, and waited for her to hang up.

“What do you think? Did you learn anything helpful?”

“Not yet, but I’ve got one more person on the list to phone.” She reached for a sandwich. “Thanks for this. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.” She placed her last call. His interest piqued when a quick back-and-forth question-and-answer session ensued. He could tell she was on to something.

Again he heard xiexie ni before she clicked off. Ally shot him a glance. “I asked this trainer how the girl gymnasts get picked. He told me talent scouts circulate throughout China trying to find the most promising ones at the various schools. When I inquired further, he gave me names of three scouts. Here they are. I’ve written their Chinese equivalents so you can understand them.”

Ally passed him her notepad. When he looked down, one stood out in blazing letters: Sima Wang. That was Robert Martin’s stepfather.

“Ally? Do me a favor and call the man back. Ask him to tell you anything he knows about Sima Wang—where he lives, how often he’s in China. Get a description if you can.”

She stared at Luckey. “All right, but I’ll have to be cagey.” After placing the call, she again conversed back and forth. Finally, Ally thanked the man and rang off. “He said Sima Wang is a dark blond American, and rich. He lives somewhere in China and is probably in his forties. Every so often he comes around to Hunan Province. About five weeks ago he was in Changsha, giving a demonstration in kung fu.”

* * *

ROBERT MARTIN HAD taken on his stepfather’s name while he perpetrated his evil in China. Robert’s birth parents were dead. Were his adoptive parents dead, as well? Had he killed them, too?

Luckey jumped out of the chair. “You found him, Ally!” He pulled her into his arms and swung her around. “We’ve got him. You did it!”

“But how do you know?”

He carried her over to the couch and lay down next to her, trapping her legs with his own. For a little while he lost track of time, kissing her. Finally, he lifted his head to look down at her. “First things first. Where did you come from? Out of all the men in the world, how was I lucky enough to meet you?”

She kissed his mouth with a hunger that thrilled him down to the last cell in his body. “The real question is how is it possible that out of all the Chinese experts you could have talked to, you came to me first? I love you so much.”

“You’re my heart, Ally. My love for you knows no bounds.”

A bewitching smile appeared on her face. “I notice you forgot our rule to stay three feet away.”

“No more rules. Sweetheart...” He kissed her again and again, unable to stop. “We have to get married as soon as I arrest Wang. My boss will give me time off for a long honeymoon. We’re going to need it. The way I’m feeling right now, we may never come back.”

“Oh, yes, we will. As your mother reminded me, you’re a restless man, but I’ve already accepted that fact. Now tell me how you know Sima Wang is the man you’ve been looking for.”

Luckey buried his face in Ally’s neck. “I can’t think while you’re in my arms.”