“Let’s go in the family room. While you put the flash drive in the computer, I’ll ask Mom and Dad to join us.”

Ally started for the door, but Luckey pulled her back. “Not until I have more of this.” He found her mouth and kissed her until they were both swaying. “Later we’re going to have a long talk about the rest of our lives. How does that sound?”

“I—I agree we need to talk.” Her voice faltered. He didn’t know if he liked her response, but she’d turned to open the door. Luckey followed her inside to their family room. “Go ahead and set things up. I’ll get my parents.”

Within a few minutes the four of them had congregated around the computer screen. After a warm greeting from her parents, Luckey inserted the flash drive. “Just watch everything, then we’ll talk.”

The videos were self-explanatory. When they were finished, he glanced at Ally, who looked horrified. Her mother and father eyed each other in silence. Luckey removed the flash drive.

“As you can see, this woman is caught without hope. It’s my opinion she’s doing extra work at the orphanage to make more money for the man who owns her. Not all victims have another avenue for money. No doubt she was brought into the spa with the promise of work. The going salary is usually $30,000. But they can never buy themselves out of the contract they sign.

“She could provide us with a lot of information if we handle this carefully. How did she get here? Where is she from? Does she have family? Who did this to her? I don’t know that she would be able to shed any light on the murders, but maybe she knows someone at the spa who could give us crucial information. Naturally, we’ll free her and relocate her to a safe life without causing any notoriety to the orphanage.”

Ally’s father got to his feet. “How will you get information from her?”

“One of the men at the bureau who speaks Mandarin will go undercover at the spa to procure her services. He’ll get her alone and tell her we’re going to free her from her situation, but we’d like information. After she’s safe, we’ll learn all we can from her and raid the place. The whole ring will be arrested and we’ll free the other women they’ve kept in bondage.”

“Do it, Luckey!” Ally’s mother cried. “I’m devastated for Shan, who has to work under such ghastly circumstances before coming to work at the orphanage every day. She’s such a lovely girl and so sweet with the children. All these women need to be freed.”

Larry nodded. “Nothing would make us happier. Anything we can do to help, just let us know.”

“You already have, by giving me a copy of the orphanage records.”

“Thank you for what you’ve done and are prepared to do, Luckey,” Ally’s father said sincerely. “I know you’ll keep us informed. Come on, Bea.”

Luckey watched them exit the den, leaving him alone with the woman he loved. She sat on the edge of the couch with her hands clasped. “We have to talk, Luckey.”

“I know you’re anxious to hear the details about Mike’s death.”

“Only if you want to tell me.” She got to her feet. “But that’s not what’s on my mind. I’ve been thinking about Shan. If another Ranger could get rid of the man waiting outside the orphanage tomorrow, I’d drive over and convince her to come to the ranch with me. If you were here waiting, you could ask her all the questions you want and I’d provide the translation.”

He shook his head, but she kept on talking. “The proof she’ll provide will enable you to arrest those evil men and close down the spa. You’ve got videos. With the women freed, you’ll probably be able to gather a lot of information needed to make inroads in the trafficking situation here in Texas. You know it’s a perfect plan. You need me to do this.” Her lavender eyes were begging him.

“I refuse to let you sacrifice yourself like that,” he said through gritted teeth.

“I lived under scrutiny of the MSS authorities for fifteen years. My whole family did. What if I want to do this for all these girls? I’ll ask my teaching assistant to cover my classes tomorrow. Think about it. Shan doesn’t trust any man, but she knows and trusts me. We’ve become friends. When I tell her what’s going on, she’ll do as I say.”

Damn if Ally wasn’t making perfect sense.

* * *

“IF ONE OF your undercover officers approaches her at the spa, she’ll be too suspicious and it won’t go well. It could put another Ranger in needless danger. I’ve always wanted to help. Now’s my chance to get involved. You have to use me, Luckey. To quote you, the sooner the better. While you think about it, I’m going to get the sandwiches I made for us. I’ll only be a minute.”

The second she left the room, Luckey phoned TJ and ran the whole thing by him.

“What in the hell tipped you off about the Chinese girl at the orphanage?” After Luckey told him why he’d gone there in the first place, his boss asked, “Do you see any holes in Dr. Duncan’s idea?”

“In all honesty, no, but as we’re both well aware, the best-laid plans can go wrong.”

“Do her parents know?”

“Not yet. They’d have to be told.”

“I doubt they’ll go along with it.”

Luckey closed his eyes tightly. “Probably not.”

“You don’t think the man driving the Chinese woman back and forth is tailed by a backup?”