A poison to disable his victims. Did they eventually die?

It wasn’t until Luckey went to bed that he remembered something Stan had said about DMSO.

The cream acted like a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and was used by athletes trying to cut down on joint pain. It could also be poisonous if injected in gross amounts.

Was it possible that Robert Martin used DMSO and that it was also his brand of poison?

* * *

FIRST THING THE next morning, Luckey got on the phone to the Las Vegas police. He wanted to know the facts in the security robbery case involving Robert D. Martin, and asked to speak to the detective who’d investigated it. Like always, he had to wait for the man to call him back.

After feeding Persey and taking him out to the corral, he hurried back inside for a phone conference with TJ. Luckey learned that the judge had issued the warrant. That was the news he’d been waiting for. He gathered up the folder with the sheets of names and took off for headquarters to pick the warrant up.

* * *

CY STOPPED HIM in the hallway. “I wondered when you’d show up. Come on in and talk to me.”

“You’re just the man I wanted to see,” Luckey said, following him into his office and perching on the edge of his desk.

“The guys are waiting to hear how things are going with you know who.”

Luckey smiled. “They’re getting better and better, but I’ve got some murders to solve.”

“I know what that’s like. I was in the middle of Kellie’s case when I fell headlong in love with her. What can I do to help speed things along?”

“You mean it?”

“I offered, didn’t I? TJ hasn’t assigned me a new case yet.”

“Then come with me and I’ll give you the lowdown on the way. Give me a minute to pick up the warrant.”

A short time later, the two men got into Luckey’s car. He handed his friend the folder. “Go ahead and read over the four rap sheets. I’m hoping an alias of one of these felons will match up with a name on a carrier’s records as someone who received a package from Indonesia. To make a connection would mean solving the case.”

“And getting on with the important stuff in life,” Cy added.

“I can’t wait for that,” Luckey mumbled.

“Then let’s make it happen!”

Together they did the rounds of three international express carriers and obtained copies of the available information. Then they returned to headquarters and sequestered themselves in Luckey’s office to begin hunting for a match.

Cy shook his head. “No matter how many times I go over a rap sheet, I’m stunned to see how much evil exists out there.”

“Tell me about it.”

While they worked, Cy took a phone call on his cell. After he hung up he said, “TJ wants to talk to me. I’ll be back.”

“I’m not holding my breath. I’ve got a feeling you might be getting a new case. Thanks for the help.”

“You’ve done the same thing for me before. Keep us all posted, hear?”

“Will do, Cy. Thanks again.”

Cy’s leaving reminded Luckey the day was getting away from him. They hadn’t found a match yet. He gathered up everything he’d been working on and left the office for home. He wanted to take a quick shower and shave before Ally came over.

She phoned while he was on his way home and said she’d be at his house in forty-five minutes with Silver.

“I’m holding you to it, otherwise I’ll come looking for you,” Luckey said, grinning. “You’re pretty important to me, you know.”