“Luckey’s my name,” Luckey said as he got back on his horse. The sight of him in his cowboy gear, sitting astride his palomino, almost overwhelmed Ally. He walked his mount to the starting point.

“I’m clocking you. Ready, get set, go!”

Ally sucked in her breath as Luckey rounded the first two barrels with ease. But he missed the third and was disqualified. Next went Kit, who showed expert horsemanship, but his horse hit two of the barrels, disqualifying him, as well. Jeremy rode his pony next, trying hard to keep his animal focused. It was hilarious. But he didn’t miss the barrels and didn’t hit them.

Vic started out with a flawless performance until the second barrel, when his horse shied away in a different direction and was ruled out of the competition.

Then it was Ally’s turn. She’d never barrel raced before and it showed. Hands down, she gave the worst performance of all the contestants, bumping every barrel, and was disqualified. But it was all done in good fun for Jeremy’s birthday.

Last but not least came Cy, who started out well, but leaned too close at the third barrel. The momentum sent it rolling across the meadow and he had to chase after it and bring it back. With him out of the competition, the winner was clear. Luckey smiled at Ally as Claire stood up to make the announcement.

“And the gold buckle goes to Jeremy Malone for a winning time of 22 seconds!” Everyone clapped as she handed him his prize. “Great job!” She hugged and kissed him before they all congratulated him.

“Okay, guys. We’ve got hot dogs to cook. The buns and condiments are over on the table and there’s coffee, too. For dessert we’re having s’mores.”

“Yum!” Jeremy exclaimed.

The bonfire provided the perfect backdrop for Ally to study Luckey’s rock-solid silhouette. While the horses grazed, everyone gathered around the fire to eat. Luckey found a stick for her and they cooked their hot dogs side by side.

“You and your Ranger friends acted like you honestly tried to do your best in that race. It’s so sweet of you to make this night so special for Jeremy. He seems like a great kid. I can’t believe he was kidnapped.”

“It was a nightmare, but Claire, who was his nanny at the time, helped find him fast. Vic married her soon after that.” Luckey shook his head. “I’d like to find the guy who stole the life from those four Asian girls. The sooner the better.”

“I want that, too, Luckey.”

After a wonderful evening, they said goodbye to the others and loaded up for the drive back to Ally’s parents’ ranch. On the way there Luckey said, “You were a hit with everyone, especially Jeremy.”

“I’m flattered that he asked me to come to his parents’ house so I could play with Daken. What a cute boy.”

“The Lone Ranger scarf was the best present you could have given him.”

She glanced at the man sitting next to her. “You have great friends. I’ve never had a better time, Luckey. After a night like this, I’m so glad I’m back in Texas.”

“Glad enough to spend part of tomorrow with me? That is, if you don’t have work.”

“If this has to do with the case, then I can do both.”

“What if this didn’t have anything to do with it?”

Her heart stopped. “It wouldn’t matter, but I think that’s a trick question.”

He chuckled. “It should come as no shock to you that I’d like to spend every day with you. How’s that for honesty?” Ally could hardly breathe. “But as it happens, I’d like you with me tomorrow when I drive to Houston. I have an appointment with a Chinese silk merchant from Beijing whom I’m hoping might be able to shed some light on the fabric sample I have. You might be able to get more information out of him by speaking to him in his native language. Do you mind?”

“You know I don’t.”

“Good. I’ll come pick you up at eight thirty. The appointment is for one. I thought we’d stop for lunch on the way.”

They arrived at the ranch house too soon. He drove back to the barn and opened the trailer door to unload Silver. Both horses nickered. Luckey smiled at Ally in the moonlight. “I do believe they were saying good-night.”

“He probably asked her for a date,” Ally said with a grin.

“Yup. Persey takes after me when he sees something he wants.”

Hot faced, she led her horse out of the trailer into the barn and undid the saddle. Luckey removed the bridle and carried everything to the tack room. She’d just watered her horse and filled the hay net when she felt two hands slide to her shoulders from behind.

“I had the time of my life tonight, Ally.” In the next instant, Luckey pulled her back against him and kissed the side of her neck. The motion knocked off her cowboy hat, but she hardly noticed, because the touch of his lips sent shock waves through her body. He turned her around, still holding on to her arms. But his features had a haunted cast.

“I’m moving too fast and know it. Tell me now if you want to change your mind about going with me tomorrow. The truth is, I want to kiss you into tomorrow, but that’s crossing a big line. I shouldn’t be doing this so soon, even if I wasn’t a Texas Ranger trying to obey rules.”