The boy undid the wrapping and pulled out a red scarf.

“You know what that’s a replica of,” Luckey remarked. He darted her a secret glance.

“What?” Jeremy asked.

“The Lone Ranger’s scarf. He wore it knotted at the side of his neck.” Luckey took over and tied it for the boy.

“Cool! Thanks!” He turned to Vic. “What do you think, Dad?”

“I think that’s a terrific gift for a junior Texas Ranger. All you need is a black mask to complete the outfit.”

Luckey’s eyes swerved to Ally’s. “I know a place where I can dredge one up.”

Before he had a chance to say any more, she changed the subject. “I hear you have a pony.”

“Yup. His name is Comet.”

“I love that name. What about your miniature horse? Is it here, too?”

He nodded. “We took them to the corral.”

“I want to see both of them. I had a pony when I was young, but I never had a toy horse. They are so cute!”

“You’ll love Daken.”

“That’s an interesting name.”

“Yup. Daken is Wolverine’s mutant son. It means mongrel, but my horse doesn’t look like one.”

Ally fought a smile. “I’m sure he doesn’t. Tell me about Daken.”

The boy turned to his parents. “Hey, Mom—I’m going to take her to see Comet and Daken, okay?”

“Go ahead.”

“Come this way.”

A grin lit up Luckey’s handsome features. “While you go with him, I’ll drive the horses around to the corral.”


Ally opened her purse and pulled out a packet of horse treats. After setting her bag on an end table, she followed Jeremy through the house to the back door. They hurried outside to the corral. On the way, Jeremy told her all about his favorite action heroes. Living in China, she’d missed out on a lot of information important to an eight-year-old boy.

“Oh!” she cried when she saw the little brown-and-white horse playing in the grass next to the pony.

“Go sit down by him and he’ll come to you.”

Ally sank onto the grass and opened up the little packet of treats. Daken heard the rustle and came right over to her. She held one of the treats out on her palm and he sniffed it. Within seconds he’d gobbled it down and was stepping on her to get more. Laughter poured out of her. She lay on her side and petted him while Jeremy hunkered next to them.

“I think I have to get me a little horse, too, Jeremy.” Her gaze flicked to the pony. “Uh-oh. I think Comet is jealous. I have one more treat left.” She got up and walked over to the animal. “Here you go.”

By now Luckey had joined them. “It appears you have everyone eating out of your hand,” he told her. “How about going for a ride with me?”

A rush of warmth filled her body when she met his glance.

“Can I come?” Jeremy asked.

Luckey grinned at him. “It’s your birthday, pardner.”