At four on the dot he drove up in a four-door dark red Dodge Ram 3500 truck pulling a two-horse trailer. She hurried down the steps to the vehicle, while Luckey opened the passenger door from inside so she could climb in. The gorgeous man wore a white Stetson and cowboy boots. There was no guy on earth who could equal his rugged good looks. “You’re right on time!” she blurted, with too much excitement.

“I’ve been looking forward to this outing since the other night and don’t want to miss a second of it.” His eyes played over her. “Black on black. I like it. The only thing missing is your black mask.”

His gaze missed nothing. She swallowed hard. “Keep winding down this road and we’ll eventually come to the barn.”

“I want inside that tack room. Maybe we’ll find one of your masks.”

Her cheeks felt warm. “Dad was just kidding.”

Luckey drove past the corral to the front of the barn. After pulling to a stop, he got out to open the rear of the horse trailer.

Ally joined him. “So this is Persey.” The horse nickered, causing her to chuckle. “You’re a handsome specimen.” The golden palomino had a lustrous white mane and tail and was every bit as magnificent as his owner. “I’ll have to bring you some treats.”

“Did you hear that?” Luckey had entered the stall to speak to his horse. “We’re bringing you a girlfriend. Her name is Silver. We’ll be right back.” He patted his horse’s rump and followed Ally into the barn.

She led him over to the stall where she kept her Morgan. Luckey’s knowing eye inspected the mare. “You’ve got a true black Silver here. Beautiful with that silver mane and tail.”

“You’re my sweetheart, aren’t you?” She hugged her horse’s head and kissed her. “We’re going on a ride with Luckey and his friends.” Silver nickered. “Let me show him my gear and then I’ll take care of you.”

When they reached the tack room he turned to her. “I’ll carry out your stuff while you load him.”

Ally grabbed some Buckeye Carrot Crunchers and led her horse out to the trailer. She talked in soothing tones as she walked Silver inside and gave both animals a treat. While they chomped on their goodies, Luckey came in with the gear. When he heard the noise, his deep chuckle worked its way to her insides.

“Spoiling you already, is she?” Though he’d spoken to his horse, his eyes had focused on her.

“It never hurts.”

“That works for humans, too.”

She tossed him a treat, making him laugh. They secured the horses and got back into the truck. “We don’t have far to drive,” Luckey told her. “Kit’s property is out here in Barton Creek, too. After he got married, he wanted more acreage for their horses, and moved out of his condo. He and his wife are throwing this party for Jeremy.”

Within minutes they arrived at the new glass-and-wood two-story house, where Ally spotted other trucks and horse trailers. Luckey escorted her inside to the big family room, where he introduced her to Kit and Natalie, who owned the house. Their little two-year-old, Amy, was adorable. Ally was envious.

“What a darling little girl, all dressed up in her Western duds,” she exclaimed.

Natalie laughed. “My husband has already turned her into a cowgirl.”

“My father did the same thing to me.”

“He sure did.” Luckey’s eyes were all over Ally. Talk about legs turning to jelly!

Slowly, they circulated around the room. She’d met Cy before. He stood next to his wife, Kellie, who was holding their baby, Holly.

“Kellie is our state’s most famous barrel racer,” Luckey informed Ally.

“Not anymore. I’m too out of shape,” she lamented.

Ally smiled. “I saw you in a rodeo on one of our trips home. You were fantastic.”

Cy put an arm around his wife. “She would have won the world championship if she hadn’t found out she was pregnant and had to quit the circuit.”

Kellie winked at Ally. “It was his fault.”

That comment drew a roar from everyone before Ally was introduced to Vic and his wife, Claire, who was in the latter stages of pregnancy.

“And this is our birthday boy,” Claire said, putting her arm around a dark-haired child wearing a cowboy hat.

“Luckey told me,” Ally said, handing him her gift. “Happy Birthday, Jeremy. You can go ahead and open it if you like.”