“It’s getting old. At least I was put on the day shift three days ago.”

Luckey frowned. “I thought you liked it.”

“The horse part I love, but more and more I know I want to be a Ranger.”

He’d heard that from his brother several times before and took another sip of his coffee. “That means a lot more hours away from the fam. I don’t have a wife and children, so that isn’t a problem for me.” Never again. “How does Robin feel about it?”

“She said that if it’s what I want, I should do it.”

“You married a terrific woman.”

Luckey’s ex-wife had felt the exact opposite. She couldn’t handle his work as a Ranger and acted on it by divorcing him and moving to Houston. But that was old news.

Randy’s voice lowered. “I didn’t mean to remind you of the past.”

“I know you didn’t.” Luckey had the greatest brother in the world. He was thirty to Luckey’s thirty-two. “If that’s your goal, I’m behind you.”

“It’s all I’ve been able to think about for the last year. Remember that body my partner and I found dumped on the street on our beat last week? It’s the fourth one in the last ten months. Though each was discovered in a different area, I believe they’re all related. But the detective who arrived on the scene disagrees.”

Luckey was listening intently to his brother, who was no fool. He remembered clips on the news, but hadn’t paid much attention. “What do your instincts tell you?” This was Randy’s case, but Luckey was always interested.

“All four bodies have been young Chinese and Indonesian women, which smells like human trafficking to me. When I pointed this out to him, he said he wasn’t ready to make an assumption like that quite yet. He said coincidence could play a role, or some copycat criminals who heard the news on the media could’ve decided to pull the same stunts for the sheer pleasure of creating chaos.”

At a trafficking conference Luckey had recently attended, he’d learned that although Asians represented only 6 percent of Austin’s 800,000 residents, their population had surged by 60 percent since 2000. It was the fastest-growing group in the city by percentage and tripled the rate of Austin’s overall growth.

“It doesn’t sound like a coincidence to me,” Luckey concurred. “Have you discussed this with anyone else?”

“Nope. You know I can’t.”

“Listen—I want to talk to you some more about this, but I’ve got to go in to a meeting right now. This one will probably last an hour. Expect a call from me after I get out.”


Luckey clicked off and headed for TJ’s office at the end of the hall. The gray-haired captain nodded as he walked in. “I’m surprised to see you remembered. I thought you might be home enjoying some well-deserved sleep after your last case.”

“Not me. I like work.”

His boss nodded again. “I know you do. But one of these days you need to take some time off.”

“I do better being busy.”

TJ’s eyes filled with concern. “I don’t want you to burn out.”

Luckey blinked. “You think I am?”

“Of course not. But my famous Four Sons of the Original Forty Texas Rangers have done a hell of a job for the department this last year. I want you to know you can have the time off if you feel you need it.”

“Can I take a rain check on that?”

He nodded.

Good. “So what smorgasbord of corruption and evil are you going to lay out for me this morning?”

TJ chuckled. “Take your pick of the latest Most Wanted cases that have come across my desk.” He riffled through the pile of files in front of him. “Armed robbery and murder of an armored-car guard. Kidnapping and brutal murder of two women, one of whom was set on fire in her wheelchair. The murder of a prominent CEO...or this latest one—a dead body dumped on the streets, a case that has the police detective stumped.”

“I’ll take that one,” Luckey said without hesitation.

TJ handed him the file. “Of course, it’s not a coincidence that your brother is mentioned in the abstract.”