“We’re glad you’re here,” Ally said. “Meet Shan. She works with the day shift.” He shook the timid woman’s hand and was surprised to see bruising on her arms. “And this is little Bu. She has cystic fibrosis, but it can be managed with the right care.”

“How do you say ‘hi’ to her?”

“Ni hao.”

Luckey tried it. The little girl didn’t respond, but stared hard at him. “Her parents couldn’t keep her?”

“I don’t know the whole story, but she’s precious.”

Ally kissed both her cheeks and said something in Chinese. It was the first time he’d heard her speak the language. The little girl said something back and started to cry. Clearly, she didn’t want Ally to go. The tender scene pulled on his heartstrings.

Ally turned the girl over to the other woman, who looked to be about nineteen or twenty.

“Let’s go before she has a meltdown.” Ally reached for her purse and a loose-leaf binder that had been on the swing beside her. She and Luckey walked down the steps together.

“Where’s your car?”

“Around the side.”

“We’ll go in my car and I’ll bring you back later.” When

they reached it, he opened the door for her, then got behind the wheel. “Ally? One of the penalties you have to pay for being with me means I’ve got this latest case on my mind. Sometime soon will you do me a favor and let me see the orphanage books? I need to make a list of all the Chinese people who’ve worked or still work there.”

She looked alarmed. “What are you thinking?”

He took a deep breath. “I’m anxious to track down as many young Chinese women as I can, in case they’re in trouble. If any of the employees here are tied up in any way as part of this trafficking ring, maybe one of them will recognize the girls in the morgue. I’m acting on every lead possible.”

“I’ll talk to my father.”

“Thank you.” He pulled onto the main street. “Now that we have that out of the way, what are you in the mood for?”


He smiled. “Then let’s go to The Grove and sit on the deck.”

“I love that place. All those huge trees.”

“The Italian food isn’t bad, either.”

Before long they reached the restaurant and were shown to a table. Once the waitress took their orders, Ally handed him the binder. He thanked her for it, but didn’t open it.

“When I get home tonight, I’ll spend hours digesting this. But right now I want to ask you a question.” She looked so beautiful in her filmy, short-sleeved blouse and white skirt. He hadn’t been able to miss the fact that every guy who walked past their table openly checked her out.

“What’s that?”

“Is there an important man in your life? Am I treading on any toes?”

Her eyes seemed to turn a deeper blue. “No.”

“Not even someone back in China?”

“I dated several American men while I was there. There was one I was pretty serious about. His name was Jack Reynolds. He was a judge advocate in the Marines Corps, working in international and operational law. I came close to marrying him.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“It would have meant living all over the world. I’m afraid I’m a Texas girl at heart, despite spending so many years overseas. When you asked me why I didn’t stay in China with my friends, the truth is, I was homesick for the ranch.”

“Did you have opportunities to ride over there?”