“Then with Luckey’s permission, we could send that swatch in a letter to Soo-Lin in the usual way.”

Her father shook his head. “Having learned about all this, we mustn’t put your teacher or his son in any more danger. It puts the embassy itself at risk. I shouldn’t have allowed it to continue after we left China. So, no more using the diplomatic pouch. For the time being you’ll have to stop corresponding with Soo-Lin. If Yu Tan was indeed kidnapped, I don’t want the lives of the Tan family further jeopardized until there can be an investigation.”

Ally felt sick. “How long do I have to wait to write her back?”

“At least until fall, when I’m no longer working for the government. Then we’ll see if we can find a different way to contact her.”

“If I may say something,” Luckey interjected. He’d gotten to his feet with the file he’d brought. “I need to leave, but before I go let me assure you I have my own methods to track down the material. It’s not my only lead and I have other ideas I’m working on. I’m confident I’ll be able to find out the name of the girl in the morgue and inform her parents, if they can be found. If it should turn out the girl is Yu Tan—”

“Then her father will say she didn’t dishonor their family,” Ally interrupted, with bitterness in her voice. “That will mean more to him than the fact that she was murdered.”

Her mother stood up and started clearing the table. “There are too many Chinese girls missing from their families. Bless you for the part you’re playing in this, Ranger Davis.”

“Amen,” her husband said, and shook Luckey’s hand.

“It’s been an honor to meet all of you. Thank you for the delicious dinner.”

The night was ending.

Ally took a deep breath. “I’ll see you out.” Her heart sank to her feet as she and Luckey walked through the ranch house to the front door. After she opened it, he turned to her. “Despite the tragic circumstances we talked about tonight, I had a great time.”

“So did I,?

? she said.

His eyes danced over her features. “I’ll be in touch soon. Good night, Ally.”

“Good night.”

She closed the door, not ready to see him walk away, but there was nothing she could do about it. Needing an outlet, she returned to the kitchen to help her parents do the dishes. Her father smiled at her. “Your Ranger is the reason they’re still legendary.”

“He’s even more handsome than your childhood movie idol,” her mom added.

“I’m afraid he’s not my Ranger, but I agree he’s pretty amazing.” She finished loading the dishwasher. “While you’re both still up, there’s something else I need to tell you. The case he’s working on involves more than one victim.”

Both of them looked surprised.

“He told me that the bodies of three other young women, Chinese and Indonesian, have been dumped on the streets of Austin over the last ten months.”

“Ally!” her mother gasped.

“The one wearing the cheongsam was killed a week ago. When the police couldn’t find the person or persons responsible, they turned it over to the Texas Rangers and Luckey was assigned. It’s his opinion that the crimes are related and the women were possibly murdered by the same killer or ring of killers. Since he has access to the paperwork from the morgue, here’s what I’m thinking.

“Mom? Could I make a copy of the list of missing girls we assembled in China and give it to him? With his special resources, he could check the photographs in your files against the photos of the victims in the morgue. I know it’s iffy, but maybe it will help him. What do you think? I trust him with my life.”

Her parents looked at each other, and her father nodded. “It would be a start in the right direction.”

“Tell you what, darling. Let’s go to the den and I’ll print out what we have on the computer for you to give to him,” Beatrice offered.

Ally had never loved them as much as she did in that moment. “Thank you so much!” she said, kissing them both on the cheek.

She couldn’t wait to give him the information. It would be the excuse she needed to see him again. Already he was so important to her, she couldn’t imagine life without him.

* * *

WEDNESDAY MORNING LUCKEY got started early and met Randy at the site where he’d found the body last week. His brother had copies of the crime scene photos with him, and the two scoured the area, trying to see if the detective had overlooked any evidence that could help identify the car involved in the drop.

After that, Luckey met with the police officers who’d found the other three bodies. They walked around the crime scenes. He’d hoped to find something that had escaped the forensics team, but didn’t come up with any new evidence.